Hello, a first word on a clean sheet is not easy, harder then just creating a blog. Anyway i consider this a supportblog for all those that, like me travel around the world, daily. Obviously there's different ways of travelling..certainly in this virtual setting. Personally I like to visit music blogs that offer music beyond the latest and greatest that the media/music industry likes to shower our senses with, not for the love of music but for the love of money. Music is a truly transglo ball and has been so, ever since rhythm gripped our ancestors. The instruments have become more and more suffisticated but rhythm still rules..but then without a heartbeat where would we be ?
Secondly, furthering that last question, what are we ? And why is it so many scientists chose the easy way out on that question, and make us out for cretins crawled out of the mud..This materialist worldview was raised in the 19th century and still holds a firm grip on the senior peer controlled world of science...I beg to differ, and so my traveling brings me to many places where other worldviews are explored..
Thirdly, news/politics...the mainstreampress has shown to be totally corrupted certainly this last decade, and so, to find real news and background, surfing the net has become essential. Obviously caution is called for in that regard aswell, and yet using many sources instead of the sanatised and propagandist mainstream media is a healthy thing, as it let's one discern where and how the news is filtered...more often than not it's not as much what is been said, but what has been left unsaid. (this way those editors/journalists try absolve themselves from lies)
Fourthly, free software..im always on the look out for new tools that enhance my computer experience.. and have become convinced that there are great and often better alternatives available build by humans for the love of it, and not for money and under the pressures that come with it.. Sometimes i come across fine semi commercial products aswell, like yesterday when i had myself a new email account at Hushmail.com , automatic encryption of mail, with all the snooping going on these days, not a bad idea. Clearly that this aint totally secure, but why make it easy ?