Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Prisoner (11)

Hello , a bit late today..i completely forgot to post last night..tss there's a first time for everything i guess..well without further ado...

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Prisoner episode 11, It's Your Funeral

The Prisoner is tricked into discovering an assasination plot - but who is to be killed ? Number Two knows that Number Six is the only man in The Village capable of stopping a murder so he attempts to discredit him. After Number Six finds out about the plot he goes to warn Number Two who trcords the warning and doctors the tape. After a new Number Two arrives in The Village, Number Six realises that the intended target is not who he first thought.

sorry about thefaulty rip..these are with sound (2/2/09)

It's Your Funeral (rar 180mb)

It's Your Funeral (rar 90mb)


It's Your Funeral (zip 274mb)

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Monday, January 26, 2009

Canadia (24)

Hello, the Canadia saga comes to conclusion here today, and after almost 6 months we finally get some answers to what happened. In the meantime the worlds gone broke and those responsible still dine out with their goldcards and basicly still call the shots..duh. They should be thrown in jail but our feeble political leaders dare not touch them...stupid cowards they should call the banksters bluff. Let them kneel down and bend over in jail. Democracy's dont need private banks in fact it's an adverse institution that belongs to the dictatorships of the here and now and our past..that spawned them...
Canadia's finale caused some diatribe which was to be expected as the fans identified with our zhero's...

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Episode 24

Anderson, Gaffney and the Captain are all convinced that they know what has been happening to the Canadia. One of them is right, one of them is wrong and one of them has totally lost it, Lewis doesn't believe any of them. Anderson tries to set things right, Gaffney searches for answers and the Captain stands his ground to save his crew.

Canadia 2056 - 24..finale

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Canadia: 2056 written by Matt Watts


Matt Watts as Midshipman Max Anderson
Stephanie Broschart as Margaux Faverau
Holly Lewis as Amanda Lewis
Paul O’Sullivan as The Captain
Chuck Shamata as Doc Gaffney
Lauren Ash as The Crewman
Maggie Castle as Astra
Shauna MacDonald as The Computer
Naomi Snieckus as Skip
Peter Wildman as Pickens

Story Editor: Joe Mahoney
Associate Producer: Colleen Woods
Casting Director: Linda Grearson
Recording Engineer: Wayne Richards
Sound Designer: Anton Szabo

Canadia: 2056 was produced and directed in Toronto by Greg DeClute.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Way Of The Infinite Explorer

Hello, this Sundaze there's nothing to download but plenty to take in. I came across this article at The Cleaver's a great piece which most unfortunately will never appear in a weekend edition of a newspaper. Infinite explorers are dreaded more then all terrorists combined by the establishment. The powers that be like to talk change, but what that means to them is status quo, because the last thing they want is real change..This world of shortage just suits them fine, its their powerbase from where they control us mere mortals, latter btw another blatant lie....Anyway i've added some links to my Hopspots section..i specially like to point you to the Conscious Media Network, there's a lot of interesting videomaterial there.

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Way Of The Infinite Explorer

How do you disempower a corrupt system? By empowering yourself. How do you awaken a sleeping population? By awakening yourself. How do you heal a toxic society? By healing yourself.

The arcane chronicles of consciousness have been kept from man since the last reboot of civilization, a few thousand years ago. One of the many teachings hidden therein is the truth that every conscious entity in the universe is connected to all other conscious entities, wherever (and whenever) they may be. No thing is separate from any thing. Every intimate thought and subtle reflection is, in actuality, beamed throughout the entire ecosystem. In this way, deepening your awareness is the most noble and dedicated endeavour conceivable.

It is futile to take it upon oneself to rouse a sleeping population, to attempt to rally the spiritually undead. Trying to connect unprepared minds to paradigm-cracking information is a vain indulgence. Those who prefer not to reflect upon their existence, who feel their needs, motivations and cultural references are fully served by the matrix, should be left alone. Leave them to their TV, evening news, shopping and sport. Drifting in the comfortable oblivion of the consensus trance. One day, they may eventually see through it and take their own first steps on the inner path. Maybe in a future lifetime.

Philosopher and ethnobotanist Terence McKenna would often say, “find the others”. By this he meant be aware of and seek out those fine souls who are also on the inner journey. They are the ones we should give time to. They are the ones equipped to take in new information, eager for gnosis and prepared to evolve their psyches. Amongst the others, the wider tribe, communication can be free and deep. Share, support and learn from each other. In 2008, connecting with the others, through blogs like this, through podcasts and radio shows like Red Ice, The C-Realm, The Psychedelic Salon (and many more), through conferences and gatherings - it has never been easier. I encourage everyone to make the extra effort to reach out. There is usually a warm and encouraging welcome on the other side. The universe has a habit of extending its supportive synchronicities out to you in direct correlation with the amount of effort you put in.

No single system or teacher has everything you need. Not the guy in the robes, or the guy with the bullhorn. Not the cross-legged bald guy or the bearded ponytail guy. No-one who walks the path of transcendent wisdom will ever ask you to follow them. Many who have been on the path for a long time agree on one thing: it is always somehow an essentially personal journey. Customized and unique. There are no shortcuts. Why would you want to curtail your own sacred journey?

Higher Dimensions Require Higher Awareness

Everything that is, vibrates. Each different configuration of vibration creates a form, and we give names to those forms. They are what Lao-Tzu called the ten thousand things. All the stuff of the world. Trees, cars, oranges, iPods. Some things are not things as we ordinarily think of them. Things like awareness, fascination, fear, love, joy, melancholy. But they are things all the same. Forms within the illusion. Vibrations within the matrix.

The Illuminist labyrinth of conspiracy, black-ops and corporate corruption is a thing, a thing of low vibration. A time-loop of unconsciousness. Not somewhere to dwell in the long term. Giving enduring focus to it will eventually leave you resonating at the same super low levels and it will be a major feat to shake them off. The blade becomes blunt, the vitality fades. Live in Mordor too long and you come out looking like Gollum. Go in, do the reconnaissance and get out.

We know the world government is moving from covert to overt control. No more skulking around in the shadows for them. This time it’s broad daylight in-your-face fascism. Global financial markets are being made to haemorrhage in order for national economies to credibly implode. Then the Control System can implement its mandate of radical centralization. Militarization of key command structures will follow, ushered in by quasi-natural disasters, social unrest and false-flag terror. It's all there in the Control System official broadcasts (mainstream news) every day.

Consider this statement from globalist sorcerer Henry Kissinger in 1991, “Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.”

For researchers who anchor themselves exclusively to the unveiling process, it is a demanding time right now. Torrents of disclosure and revelation are manifesting in increasing volumes. Some observers have even fallen foul of sharing their personal visions in public arenas, either as dire prophetic warnings or glorious cosmic occurrences. Ill-advised in the extreme, regardless of intention. It’s deceptively simple to burn up all one’s conscious juice in charting the gloomy corridors of Illuminist corruption, hunting down that ever-elusive minotaur. But the minotaur is a phantom. It doesn’t exist. The enemy is within. No.6 is No.1.

The main game is the dimensional shift. Not the spasms of the Control System. You must choose which to pour your energy into.

A cautionary tale. Those dominated by their own unobserved egoic mind often wander into the conspiracy wilderness without the necessary equipment. They are predictably pounced on by the shape-shifting phantoms of paranoia, depression, anxiety, panic, messianic delusion and hostility. Maybe even accosted by actual agents of the Control System who spot them a mile off. Nevertheless, at a deep level, they are all conjurations that cannot exist without the consenting mind. In extreme cases, some individuals may develop a clinical condition referred to as a psychogenic fugue - a colossal existential breakdown. The fugue state is characterized in the individual by the wilful abandonment of previous identity, memories and personality. In short, the old life of misery is jettisoned and replaced with a new fantasy life. The subject transforms himself from Mr. Nobody into Mr. Somebody. Such serious and complex neuropsychological processes are usually triggered by the resurfacing of an intense earlier life trauma which threatens to induce unbearable distress. The fugue state can thus be considered an emergency armouring mechanism to protect a deeply damaged psyche from any further suffering.

The Finger Pointing At The Moon

Whether written or spoken, words can only suggest meaning.

The eastern proverb of the finger pointing at the moon highlights this beautifully: “All instruction is but a finger pointing to the moon; and those whose gaze is fixed upon the pointer will never see beyond.” If you confuse the pointer with the thing that it is actually pointing to, your perception is short-circuited and flawed. You're looking at the wrong thing. Seems obvious? Consider science as an example of flawed perception.

Science is a way of looking at the world. The description it offers is not reality itself, it is a representation of reality. A very useful and pragmatic one. Yet the larger part of the scientific community, and certainly the entire mainstream media, are serving up scientific description as reality itself. This is like confusing the sheet music that provides musical notation for a Mozart piano sonata with Mozart’s actual music itself. It is not the music. Perhaps only a handful of virtuoso pianists have understood the music as it was originally conceived. Truly felt it, become one with it and thus became an authentic conduit to express and realize it.

Perceiving this simple but crucial distinction helps to pierce the consensus veil of unreality.

Let us clarify some terminology used here. Consciousness. We become more conscious in the sense that we bring higher awareness into our living experience. Awareness of self, of others, detachment from the egoic mind and connection to the universal flow of consciousness that interpenetrates everything. Knowing not thinking. The ten thousand things lose their pull. So it follows that low consciousness, or even unconsciousness, indicates a lack of awareness, and a necessarily mesmerizing identification with the lower instincts of egoic materialism. For low consciousness people, the ten thousand things exert tremendous pull.

In some circles, consciousness is what used to be called spirit. It is the sentience of the universe. The Tao. The holy spirit. The divine force. The mind conducts consciousness like music. It requires both technical and creative ability. Brain and heart. Too much of one or too little of another and it sounds all weird and discordant. Get the balance just right and you produce something truly exquisite. The conscious human experience is like this. From time to time, everything gears up for a new score. Seeking to move from the restraints of the current auditorium, which is becoming an impediment to the music, to a substantially larger dimensional arena. A natural progression to allow the music to expand and mature.

This is echoed in the idea that our ancient ancestors did not experience consciousness in the same way we do. Perhaps not even at all.

Julian Jaynes stated, in his magnum opus, 'The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind' (1976), that the ancients did not possess an introspective conscious mind space. Their conduct and communication was aligned with auditory and visual messaging from a non-local field. Jaynes called this mode of thinking the bicameral mind and suggests that a shift to individual consciousness occurred about 3,000 years ago. Jaynes reflected that the change was due to the development of symbolic language and the written word. I conjecture that this may also have coincided with significant earth changes and a natural differentiation of consciousness before the next integration stage. The oil and water separate. Divergence.

Solutions to all matrix/NWO propaganda are inside. Not outside. In our being. Not anywhere else. There is nowhere else. The journey into the heart of one’s own being provides the solutions to all the matrix phantasms you can imagine. If you already know that, read on. If you don’t already know that, read on. If you find that hard to believe and don’t wish to consider any alternatives, go and watch TV and forget about it.

Tracking Emergent Systems

Scientists can only ever take the baton so far - Newton and Einstein took it a long way - but they can only run so far, for so long. Then someone else has to take things forward. Seems fair enough? Covering a good distance, furthering the knowledge and expanding the territory are the best and most noble achievements one can hope for. Yet expectations of universal theories and ultimate particles are naïvely and unconsciously pursued. This relentless delusion is much encouraged by the Control System as it keeps the people away from the glorious nature of the ever unfolding and deepening universe.

In mainstream science, the implications of quantum theory have certainly caused the most trouble to classical empiricist thinking, rather than the actual findings themselves.

A prime example is physicist Alain Aspect’s 1982 experiment in a Paris lab where he revealed that subatomic particles are able to instantaneously communicate with each other at vast distances. They communicate instantly, each particle knowing what the other is doing, regardless of physical separation. Nicknamed 'spooky action at a distance', Aspect’s findings indicated that basic assumptions about the physical makeup of reality might be wrong. Wrong all over. With spooky action, somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing - instantly. Even if they are separated by a billion miles. The problem with this is that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, as faster than light travel is effectively time travel (a disturbing prospect for reductionist minds). This daunting vision caused many physicists to desperately devise elaborate theories to explain away Aspect's findings. To box them off into the ‘Unknown: Leave well alone’ category. Happily, and much more constructively, it inspired others to offer up even more innovative explanations.

For University Of London physicist David Bohm, Aspect’s work was further evidence that the world of objects, space and separation does not exist. It is all a hologram, or, as Bohm dubbed it, a holomovement. To help explain why Bohm can confidently make this startling assertion, let us pin down precisely what a hologram is.

A hologram is a three dimensional photograph where the object to be photographed is bathed in a laser beam. A second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern (where the two laser beams cross) is captured on film. When that film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of weird lines. But when the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears.

When I was a kid, I would sometimes see little hologram stickers for sale in novelty/joke shops. When you turned them toward the light, the two dimensional surface would reveal what appeared to be a window into another world, in which a little rocket, or a face, or a guitar would sit in glorious three dimensional space. This fascinated me.

As well as their dimension defying properties, holograms have another extraordinary characteristic; and this is the property that speaks of the construction of the whole universe. Let’s take the example of the little guitar hologram sticker. If I cut the hologram in half and then illuminate it with a laser, each half will still be found to contain the entire image of the guitar. Cut each piece in half again, and again and again, and still the fragment of film will always contain a smaller but complete version of the original image. Each fragment encoded with the design of the whole.

This insight inspired Bohm to another way of understanding Aspect's discovery. Bohm believed the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them, is not because they are sending some weird light-speed signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. He argues that at a deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but extensions of the same fundamental entity.

Bohm offers the following illustration to clarify this. Imagine an aquarium containing a fish. You cannot see the aquarium directly - all your knowledge about it comes from two television cameras, one directed at the aquarium's front and the other directed at its side. As you stare at the two television monitors, you might assume that the fish on each of the screens are two entirely separate entities. After all, the cameras are set at different angles and each fish appears to behave differently. One swims left to right, the other swims toward you and away from you. However, when you watch the fish closely, you eventually become aware that there’s a certain relationship between them. When one turns, the other also turns. Different angles but definitely corresponding. Without awareness of the aquarium and the cameras, you might assume that the fish must be instantaneously communicating with one another.

For Bohm, this is exactly what’s occurring between subatomic particles in Aspect's experiment. Every particle is connected to every other. Part of one whole dynamic 4D membrane. Everything interpenetrates everything else. There is no separation. Ancient mystical traditions repackaged. All is one. Not only does each bit of the hologram contain the code for the whole, it also deepens to include the entire construct of what we call past, present and future. Everything is existent at once. Moving your laser of consciousness over it gives the appearance of the passage of time.

The Attitude Of The Impeccable Warrior

In November 2008, Stephan Dürr and a team from the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (Jülich, Germany) concluded that what we call matter is merely the energy from vacuum fluctuations*. That is, the apparently substantial stuff that makes up the world is actually no more than fluctuations in the quantum vacuum, the energy interactions from little theoretical particles popping in and out of our dimension.

Strange how this wasn’t headline news with CNN, ABC, Fox, BBC, Sky etc. There is no matter, it's all energy fizzing away in the quantum vacuum. Instead the headlines were about money, murder and sport. The usual. Where this exciting physics did get mainstream coverage, the reporting was filled with patronizing wry smiles, condescending language and a sentiment that resonated ‘this is beyond your little world so shut the fuck up and watch Desperate Housewives instead’.

These fantastic new observations (arrived at running quantum chromodynamics equations through a super computer over a year) are another clear illustration that there really is no concrete world out there. What we perceive is a dance of energy. Vibrations intoned by a myriad frequencies and wavelengths. It is similar to the spectral charts produced by mapping the acoustic properties of sound waves, particularly in music. See the attached picture I created from just looking at some beautiful guitar music through a spectral analyzer. Is this what music really is? Sacred use of entheogens gives inner explorers the vision to see music in this way. Reality is just the same.

As Michael Talbot points out in his superb book, 'The Holographic Universe', many ESP type phenomena make perfect sense in the holographic model. People with more unhindered and free roaming lasers (of consciousness) are simply accessing different non-local pieces of information by focussing on non-ordinary parts of the hologram.

Depending on social and cultural parameters, such trans-temporal non-ordinary holographic reading might be called magic, sorcery, or a miracle, or just a coincidence - depending on your belief system. People wrap their experiences in the most compelling and immediate cultural constructs available to them.

Bohm: “Dividing the universe up into living and nonliving things has no meaning… Even a rock is in some way alive… for life and intelligence are present not only in all of matter, but in energy, space, time, the fabric of the entire universe.”

The universe is seeking to bring deeper and fuller consciousness into itself. All energy configurations, all animal, mineral and vegetable entities contribute.

This is the main game. The dimensional shift is another evolutionary augmentation in the divine cycle.

This is what the Control System really doesn’t want you to think about. It undoes a lot of the hard work they've put into containing your thought. They’d much rather see you carrying banners around central London or downtown New York with anti-NWO slogans and giving out pamphlets. Ranting on radio shows. They love that. They look down from their penthouses smiling, smoking cigars, eating small rodents and wondering why the hell the dumb humans still haven’t gotten onto the real game.

Want to fight the NWO? Unplug from the matrix? Then let nothing be a barrier to your own spiritual growth and transcendence. Work on yourself and be committed. Display the spirit of the impeccable warrior in every moment. Seek wholeness not fragmentation. Understand that the only thing that is real is your conscious experience. Do not resist change. Make change become your change. Outdo them at their own game.

The spiral of creation is not static. It is a living, evolving, emergent system of extreme creativity. Hence, gnosis is a moving target. Walking its path is a nomadic life. When night falls, you pitch your tent. In the morning, you pack it up, put it on your back and start walking again. Don’t pitch it anywhere permanently.

Be the infinite explorer.


* Matter is merely vacuum fluctuations.
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Comments are welcome

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Prisoner (10

Hello fellow transglobalists The Island is back this week and as Lost in time and space/dimension as ever it's prisoners thoughtthey had gained naive..not even in death. Number Six can't find a way out of his Village either but he does win the occasional victory...

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Prisoner episode 10, Hammer and Anvil

When a young woman is driven to her death by Number Two, Number Six swears revenge. Number Two tells Number Six that he is going to hammer him so Number Six decides to turn the tables. He plans to make Number Two think that he's an agent called D6 and that hereports to a superios X.O.4. Number Six sets out on a campaign to break Number Two.

Hammer and Anvil 1 (rar 180mb)

Hammer and Anvil 2 (rar 90mb)


Hammer and Anvil (zip 270mb)

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Canadia (23)

Hello, the Canadia saga continues , however we are nearing the end, Next week promises some jawdropping for all..not just the crew.  Meanwhile the crew finds themselves at a low point..(again) they just seem unable to get themsleves and the earth out of the predicament and the anomaly storm just keeps on tracking them wherever they go..

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Episode 23

The Captain launches an investigation into the recent events on the Canadia. An atmosphere of paranoia and suspicion blankets the ship as the remaining crewmembers try to figure out what has gone wrong and who is responsible.

Canadia 2056 - 23  

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Sundaze (on the cover)

Hello, finally time for a new Sundaze, Rho-Xs is history but life goes on and so does Sundaze, with Inside Out specials as before..Today there's two artists who find themselves in the avant garde yet didnt hesitate to establish their point of music in taking on much more commercially successful artists like Depeche Mode and Gary Numan..In a way Thaemlitz and Chaveau prove that electronic based music lends itself very well to reinterpretation. In Thaemlitz case recognising the original track isn't that obvious, Chaveau together with the night ensemble makes it easier as the classical acoustic set gives the vocals room to come to the can check out the vid ive added..

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Terre Thaemlitz - Replicas Rubato ( 137mb)

New York-based composer Terre Thaemlitz is one of only a handful of significant American artists working in the new ambient vein. He's released the bulk of his material through the Instinct Ambient label, but has also issued tracks (under his own name and as Chugga) on his own Comatonse label and through others. Although Thaemlitz's entre into electronic came in a somewhat traditional fashion -- as a house DJ -- his explorations in electronic abstraction have been anything but, focusing on themes of abjection, alienation, fracture, and contradiction in his music. Thaemlitz's recorded work, collected on albums such as Tranquilizer and Soil, is closer in tone to ambient-leaning industrialists He's also recorded with Bill Laswell, releasing Web in 1995, and done remix work for Interpieces Organization and the Golden Palaminos, among others. 

Born in Minnesota and raised in Missouri, Thaemlitz moved to New York in the mid-'80s to pursue art scholarship at Cooper Union. Soon distracted by the growing New York house scene, he began DJing at drag balls and benefits, leading to an Underground Grammy for best DJ in 1991. Although primarly a dancefloor DJ, Thaemlitz's insistence upon integrating house music's more simplistic monotony with challenging, complicated breaks and references earned him an uneasy relationship with club promoters looking for DJs whose only commitment was the 4/4 beat. Retiring from club DJing in the early '90s (although he continues to spin experimental electronic music at art galleries, one-offs, and in other marginal contexts), Thaemlitz began making his own tracks, beginning with house but quickly moving into genre defying fusions of funk, soul, disco, and musique concrete, and eventually settling into experimental ambient. One of his earliest works, "Raw from a Straw," in addition to limited release through his own Comatonse label, appeared on an early ambient compilation on Instinct, and earned him an almost instant reputation. He's since fortified that with a pair of full-length releases remarkably free of many of the cliched conventions of club-drived ambient. 

Electro-acoustician Thaemlitz took the long road around expectation for his Mille Plateaux debut, opting for a set of solo piano extrapolations of songs by Kraftwerk,, "Roboter Rubato" . Built on a high-clearing deck of post-industrial cultural analysis over the course of its seven-plus pages of liner notes, the music on the disc requires little in the way of explanation. Thaemlitz' sparse, inventive interpretations are pleasing enough on their own. Thaemlitz: " I don't play piano, but I've always been aware of the ability for persistent "unskilled" improvisation to invoke a sense of competency, if not virtuosity. 2 years later he released another tribute , this time to his childhood favourite, Gary Numan, Replicas Rubato (Mille Plateaux, 1999), both accompanied by thoughtful, philosophical liner notes. 

The theoretical component of the program gets a little out of hand with Means From An End (Mille Plateaux, 1998), Institutional Collaborative (Mille Plateaux, 1998), Love For Sale (Mille Plateaux, 1999), Interstices (Mille Plateaux, 2000), all of them based on computer processing of found sounds. Fagjazz (Comatonse, 2000) is a two-disc monolith. The first disc is an anthology of early, hard to find tracks. The second disc is an hour of improvisation with a jazz ensemble. In 2001 he relocated to Japan. in 2003 Terre released Lovebomb (Mille Plateaux,, yet another exercise in collage of samples and tape manipulation that rarely (Between Empathy and Sympathy is Time, Sintesi Musicale del Linciaggio Futurista) elicits emotions and most often sounds like advertising for the specific devices that he is using. 

A new project, KS.HE (Kami-Sakunobe House Explosion), devoted to deep-house music, debuted with Routes Not Roots (2006).

01 - Stormtrooper In Drag
02 - Down In The Park
03 - Dream Of Siam
04 - Friends
05 - Sister Surprise
06 - Cars
07 - Cry The Clock Said
08 - Praying To The Angels
09 - Slowcar To China
10 - Jo The Waiter
11 - Please Push No More
12 - (hidden) Down In The Park (electronic)

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Sylvain Chauveau & Ensemble Nocturne - Down to the bone ( 93mb)

Sylvain Chauveau was born in Bayonne, France (1971), and now lives in Brussels, Belgium. He has made solo records on labels such as Type, FatCat, Nature Bliss, and Les Disques du Soleil et de l'Acier: minimal compositions for piano, strings, wind instruments, electronics, and sometimes voice. He runs the label Onement , whose aim is to release one-off, one-copy vinyl records.

Chauveau started out in the Toulouse alt-rock/post-rock outfit Watermelon Club. Formed in 1994, it released two compilation tracks, a couple of singles, a 7" EP, and one full-length album, [Str:m] in 1997. A year later, disappointed by a certain lack of commitment from the other members of the group and eager to earn a living with his music, the young Chauveau asked Frédéric Luneau, a guitarist and electronician who engineered some of Watermelon Club's sessions, to join him in a new project. Their debut CD Photosphere was released in 1999 by Noise Museum and, although only a first step, received much critical acclaim in Europe and America. The release of Human on Alice in Wonder the next year consolidated their underground success.

He’s performed worldwide (Europe, America, Asia), toured with Sigur Ros (2002, 2003), played with Fennesz, Bernhard Günter, Phil Durrant, Nikos Veliotis, Pierre-Yves Macé, and did remixes for several artists. Sylvain Chauveau also plays with Arca (with Joan Cambon, avant-rock band), Ensemble 0 on Creative Sources recordings (experimental music ensemble, with Maitane Sebastian, Joël Merah and Stéphane Garin ), On (with percussionist Steven Hess, minimal improvised music) and Félicia Atkinson (in concert and performed on her first album "Roman anglais").

Sylvain Chauveau composed a piece whose duration is seven years ("Composition 11"), with very long silences inside (sometimes several months). He's made soundtracks for films by Sébastien Betbeder (including "Nuage", long feature film, 2007). He also did the original musics for "Feathers in my Head" (selected at the Cannes Festival of films 2003) by Thomas de Thier. He's worked for choreographers (Pierre Rigal / Aurélien Bory, Serge Ricci) and for writers: Mark Z. Danielewski ("The House of Leaves", "Only Revolutions"), Félicia Atkinson, Joris Lacoste.

His first solo CD Le Livre Noir du Capitalisme (The Black Book Of Capitalism) came out in 2000. The album was recently remastered and rereleased on vinyl in the UK, the title sure raises the eyebrows these days. In 2003 he released Un Autre Decembre, short pieces of acoustic piano, reflective, peaceful, each note contemplated with care, this got him noted outside France. It was the follow up to Nocturne Impalpable (2002) . In 2004 he did the soundtrack for Des Plumes dans la Tête before getting together with Ensemble Nocturne to do Down To The Bone a DM tribute album. Evidently a labour of love to put together, a fact which marbles every aspect of this record; starting with the choked reading of 'Stripped' and ending 45 minutes later with the shuffling instrumentation and high-end clicks of 'Enjoy the Silence'. Chaveau's masterful piano is entwined throughout by Ensemble Nocturne; a classically trained 5-piece whose forlorn accompaniment nonetheless carbonates 'Down to the Bone's unvarnished predilection with enough bite to elevate well beyond the soporific foothills oft associated with such endeavours. Whether you're a dedicated Depeche denizen or have never been overly fond of their oeuvre, 'Down to the Bone' provides equal delights as both a gorgeous set of stripped down 21st Century torch songs and as a DM tribute.

In 2007 Sylvain released two albums, music for Sébastien Betbeder's films "Nuage" and "Les Mains D'Andréa" aswell as "S" , pieces composes for the dance show "Au nombre des choses" (All thing among things) by Compagnie Mi-Octobre / Serge Ricci.

Sylvain is also a member of the avant-rock band Arca (with Joan Cambon), of the ensemble 0 (with Maitane Sebastian, Stéphane Garin and Joël Merah), and of the improv duo ON (with Steven Hess).

01 - Stripped (5:01)
02 - The Things You Said (3:57)
03 - Home (4:55)
04 - Policy Of Truth (3:34)
05 - Death's Door (3:16)
06 - (Enjoy) The Silence (0:45)
07 - In Your Room (5:05)
08 - Blasphemous Rumours (4:10)
09 - Freelove (3:08)
10 - Never Let Me Down Again (5:39)

11 - Enjoy The Silence (4:25)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Prisoner (09)

Hello, well sad news this week as the creator of the Prisoner has finally freed himself from this global's his obituary from the Guardian

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Patrick McGoohan, actor, writer and director, born 19 March 1928; died 13 January 2009

The handsome and steady-eyed Patrick McGoohan, who has died aged 80, was the star, co-writer and sometimes director of one of British television's most original and challenging series of the 1960s, The Prisoner. In it, he played Number Six, a mysterious, resigned former secret agent who is always trying to escape from the Village, an apparently congenial community which is in fact a virtual prison for people who know too much. They are allowed to be comfortable there only if they conform completely and do not try to escape.

McGoohan was at the time, 1967, the highest earning British TV star, paid £2,000 a week through appearing in a highly successful secret agent series called Danger Man, in which he was John Drake, a European security man who – on McGoohan's own insistence – never carried a gun or seduced a woman. But he was becoming disenchanted with the series, whose American purchasers from Lew Grade's British television company ITC were pressing for more stock banalities such as car chases, shoot-outs and sex scenes.
He was invited to lunch with one American executive, who explained that they wanted pictures of him on the screen with glamorous girls - or, as McGoohan himself put it, "the corny showbusiness formula, the publicity machine grinding away". He declined, and the lunch lasted only six minutes.
McGoohan, who had his own production company, Everyman Films, suggested to Grade a different, seven-part series for which he and others had prepared scripts, called The Prisoner. Grade cheerfully admitted that he had not understood a word of what McGoohan proposed, but had so much confidence in him that he agreed to fund it immediately.

Grade's chief international customer, however, wanted a longer series. There were 17 Prisoner programmes, each of them loaded with mysterious psychological nuances, and set in an ideally artificial Village – in reality Portmeirion, an experimental community with exotic buildings designed by the architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, in south Wales.

From the opening titles, the programme was no easy ride. An angry secret agent drives into London in his fashionable Lotus 7 as a storm threatens, bursts into his boss's office, throws his resignation down on to his desk, and storms out again. At home later, he finds an undertaker at his door. Gas comes through the keyhole, and he collapses as he packs his bags to go away. He wakes up in the Village, and no one will tell him where he is or why he is there, only that he is Number Six. " I am not a number, I am a free man!" is his answer - and battle was joined in 17 attempted escapes.

In the series McGoohan met several sinister Number Twos but could never find out who Number One was until the last episode, improvised by McGoohan and his large writing team at the last moment, when Number One's false face was pulled off to reveal a monkey's underneath. When that too was pulled off, it revealed the face of McGoohan's Number Six himself.
The implication that human beings can imprison themselves was timely in the swinging 60s, while at the same time the notion of the security services as the real enemy was seeping its way into fiction that had previously existed in more black and white terms. The programme achieved cult status for both itself and McGoohan personally, who had involved himself in all aspects of the productions in a way his colleagues thought obsessive. He became a darling of the campuses, but found that The Prisoner was a difficult act to follow.

In 1974, Everyman Films went bankrupt with debts of £63,000, at least half of it owed to the Inland Revenue. By the 1980s, McGoohan had recovered, The movie Kings and Desperate Men (1981) was praised by British critics and he starred on Broadway in Hugh Whitemore's Pack of Lies.

The cosmopolitan variety of his professional interests owed something to his background. He was born in New York to parents who were once Irish farmers. His father, though barely literate, had an ear for Shakespeare, so that when Patrick read plays to him, he would remember and recite whole passages months later.

The family returned to Ireland when he was six months old and then, when he was eight, moved to Sheffield. Patrick later won a scholarship to Ratcliffe college in Leicester, where he played Lear in a school production. Leaving school at 16, he went to work in a wire mill, rising from the factory floor to the offices and then leaving to work in a bank.

This made him feel caged, so he set up instead as a chicken farmer, until an attack of bronchial asthma put him in bed for six months. He walked around Sheffield looking for work and eventually tried the Sheffield Repertory Company, for which he became assistant stage manager. When members of the cast were off sick, he was asked to step in, and found that he was best in the lighter Shakespeare plays, gaining praise for his Petruchio.

McGoohan stayed for four years, by which time he had appeared in 200 plays, including a touring production of The Cocktail Party in a small mining town, lit by miners' lamps when the electricity failed. He met and married the actor Joan Drummond, with whom he had three daughters.

He made his first appearance in the West End in 1955 as the lead in Serious Charge. Orson Welles saw him there and asked him to play Starbuck in his production of Moby Dick Rehearsed. At the same time he stood in for Dirk Bogarde during a screen test, and was offered a five-year contract with Rank. But the studio's "charm school" approach irked him and the contract petered out after four films.

After this, he turned more towards television and appeared in a production of Clifford Odets's The Big Knife, about a paranoid Hollywood producer and the protege actor who he thinks has betrayed him. It was seen by Grade, who thought McGoohan ideal for John Drake in the Danger Man scripts. From 1960, McGoohan played in 86 episodes. At around this time, he turned down the chance to play James Bond in the first Bond movie, Dr No, seeing the Bond character as a stock gunman who treated women badly. 

In 1968, when The Prisoner series was ending, McGoohan left Mill Hill, north London, to live in Switzerland after the local council refused him permission to fence his house off from prying eyes. In 1973 he moved to Pacific Palisades in California. There he wrote poetry, a novel and television scripts. He appeared in, wrote or directed some of the Columbo films in which his American friend Peter Falk appeared as the deceptively ruffled detective.

This redoubtable enemy of dumbing-down remained a highly individual operator into the 1990s. In 1991 he came to London to make the TV version of Whitemore's play The Best of Friends, in which he played with considerable plausibility and élan another Irishman not frightened to swim against the tide, George Bernard Shaw. In 1995 he was cast as Edward I in Mel Gibson's Braveheart.

In 2000, he provided the voice of Number Six for an episode of The Simpsons, and gained his last film credit in 2002 as the voice of Billy Bones in Treasure Planet. A proposed film version of The Prisoner has yet to make it to the screen, but a remake of the TV show has recently been filmed by ITV, with the US actor James Caviezel as Number Six, and is due to be transmitted later this year.

McGoohan is survived by his wife, three daughters and five grandchildren. 

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Prisoner episode 09, Checkmate

Number Six takes the position of a Queen's pawn in a game of chess. An illegal move by the Rook leads to his withdrawel and he is taken to the Village hospital. Number Two brainwashes the Queen to fall in love with Number Six who discovers the locket the Queen wears around her neck is in fact a radiotransmitter to track him. The transmitter is useful to Number Six and he manages to borrow the locket which he intends to use with the Rook in his last escape bid.

Checkmate (rar 180mb)

Checkmate (rar 116mb)


Checkmate (zip 297mb)

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Canadia (22)

Hello, sorry about the disturbance last week, something went amiss between copy and paste that i didnt notice, until thankfully someone used the messagetool to point to the directionless link... Well its been given purpose again so you neednt miss anything of the crazy adventures their Canadia world bestows them with. And todays episode is no different...

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Episode 22

Maxine Anderson pilots the Canadia to the year 2060, closer than they have ever been before, and she thinks she may have a way of getting them home. The Captain, however, refuses to give up the search for Anderson. The crewman's "ghost" continues to torment the crew. A search of the earth's surface reveals something they left behind.

Canadia 2056 - 22  

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Prisoner (08)

Hello, week 2 of 2009 already and i admit im having a hard time closing Rho-Xs, as these past weeks visitor numbers remained relativly high, well this is the last weekend come monday it will be closed...sigh. Many of you have all the goods and should share it with friends or not, whatever you want. At Transgloballs posting will be a weekend thing, The Prisoner series is almost halfway and Canadia 2056 has 3 episodes to go before a new series start, inbetween i will post a Sundaze..that was planned as the last at Rho-Xs...instead it will be the first at Transgloballs...nuf said time for Number Six..

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Prisoner episode 08, Dance Of The Dead

Number Six discovers a dead man washed up on the Village beach. He finds a wallet and a radio set in the dead man's jacket. He hides the body in a cave and later tries the radio. Number Six later returns to the body with a life belt and sets it afloat with a rescue note, although he's watched by a former collegue, Dutton. Number Two has been using Dutton to obtain information on Number Six but soon thinks Dutton is expandable. Number Six recieves an invitation to the Vilage carnaval where he meets Peter Pan and Little Bo-Peep.

Dance Of The Dead 1 (rar 180mb)

Dance Of The Dead 2 (rar 90mb)

Dance Of The Dead (zip 270mb)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Canadia 56 (21)

Hello, the Canadia saga continues and just as they think things cant get does

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Episode 21,  

The Captain is lamenting the loss of Anderson, the Robot and the Computer when a shuttle appears on their sensors. The crew is forced to take a good hard look at themselves and their future. Pickens faces his most serious crisis yet.

Canadia 2056 - 21  

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Prisoner (07)

Hello, i hope you all had a good start to the new year, one that undoubtely brings much more uncertainties with it as usual. The Pavlov reaction of western governments seems to be to further limit the liberties of their population, apparently these governments collectivly forgot their reason of being, that is to serve the people...In this global village it has occured to them, how easy it is to cow the population and brand any resistance as terrorism. Fact is that in 2009 the biggest enemy of freedom is the state, the state/leaders that have made themselves subservient to the bankers and corrupted by multinationals. Politicians with a vision that doesnt include the control everything/everyone paradigm of these times are sidelined or even eliminated. Our current politicians seem unable to understand how dangerous a road this is for the human race, it's a dead end for sure...well it's not too late yet but those who think Obama will make a difference err, he's part of the control the people party.

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Prisoner episode 07, Many Happy Returns

Number Six awakes to a deserted Village. He realises that he has the perfect opportunity to escape his captors. He builds a raft and sets sail away from the Village. During his voyage he comes across some gunrunners who steal his remaining supplies and leave hm to drown. He is eventually washed up on the south coast of England. He manages to get back to London to find a "Mrs Butterworth" living in his house. The next day is Number Six's birthday and Mrs Butterworth has a surprise planned for him.

Many Happy Returns 1( rar 180mb)

Many Happy Returns 2(rar 138mb)

Many Happy Returns (zip 322mb)

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