Monday, December 28, 2009

Sound Creates

Somewhat later then planned but i wont pass on this opportunity to share something i came across last month, in a way it stunned me..Here I was , a life embedded in music and what did i really know ? That's not all what do all these artists really know about the properties of sound ? So Last month i came across the work of Dr Horowitz a multiple Harvard graduate with a bright career , until he found out what was really going on in big pharma and (secret) bio labs when he decided to crusade against them from the early nineties onwards (obviously these days he's been rebranded a conspiracy theorist-duh). He's written a number of great books , he's been a real pain in the ass for the powers that be, but most importantly for him and us it's not just negative, frightning stuff, he's written books on healing too, like The Healing Codes for the biological apocalypse and the one on offer elsewhere here. Love, the Real Da Vinci Code. Inspiring man, yet very american. Well there's much more as this post seems to be growing whist i'm working on it.

"Sound is the medicine of the future." Edgar Cayce

Most ancient cultures used the seemingly magical power of sound to heal. Sound healing had almost disappeared in the West until the 1930s when acoustic researchers discovered ultrasound and its medical properties. With this discovery, research burgeoned and today the ancient art of sound healing is rapidly developing into a new science. There is now a mass of research into the healing benefits of ultrasound, including its use in breaking up kidney stones and even shrinking tumours In addition, infrasound and audible sound are now recognized as having immense healing properties.

The Aboriginal people of Australia are the first known culture to heal with sound. Their didgeridoo has been used as a healing tool for at least 40,000 years. The Aborigines healed broken bones, muscle tears and illnesses of every kind using their enigmatic musical instrument. Interestingly, the sounds emitted by the yidaki are in alignment with modern sound healing technology. It is becoming apparent that the wisdom of the ancients was based on sound principles.

The Egyptian and Babylonian cultures used drums and rattles, two of the earliest known musical instruments. The low frequency sounds from drums and the ultra sound created by rattles are both now known to accelerate healing. A Greek traveler, Demetrius, circa 200 B.C., wrote that the Egyptians used vowel sounds in their rituals:

˜In Egypt, when priests sing hymns to the Gods they sing the seven vowels in due succession and the sound has such euphony that men listen to it instead of the flute and the lyre.

The healing chapel at Deir el-Bahari, Thebes, was dedicated to Amenhotep-son-of-Hapu, Imhotep's repute was so tremendous that, 1,500 years after his death, the Greeks identified him with their healing god Asclepius. Acoustics research f.i. in the pyramids has provided strong evidence that the Egyptians designed their chapels and burial chambers to be reverberant in order to enhance ritualistic chant.

Pythagoras (circa 500 BC) is credited as being the first person to use music as medicine. The flute and the lyre were two of the primary instruments used by Pythagoras and his followers for healing purposes. He is also credited with being the first to understand musical intervals from his work with the monochord, a single-stringed instrument in which the string tension was established by a fixed weight. In the Greco-Roman period healing temples were used for incubation, a process in which patients underwent dream sleep, among other known modalities. It seems likely that music was used therapeutically during their stay and the reverberant spaces of the temples enhanced the efficiency of acoustic instruments, a function of the solid stonewalls of temples and sanatoria.

Technological sound healing devices first appeared in 1928 when German scientist Erwin Schliephake discovered that sound accelerated healing. He created an acoustic device known as the Novasonic that is still available today. In 1938 another German scientist, Raimar Pohlman, demonstrated ultrasound, by the 1950 's ultrasound had become a widely used sound healing modality. Even to this day the underlying healing mechanism is not fully understood....

Music, in the absolute sense, is the invisible geometry of the cosmos, a delicate tracery of frequencies that harmonise with each other and from which all matter manifests. The conductor of this sublime symphony is the Creative Force of the cosmos, some people prefer to say: God. Music, as sensed by humans, is a delicate tracery of audible frequencies that harmonise with each other and generally please our emotions.

What is not commonly known is that music has the almost magical power to create form from formlessnes as Dr Hans Jenny demonstrated in the previous century with his research into Wave Phenomena and Vibration, he coined the term Cymatics and you should check his work....

Jenny - Cymatics - A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration (PDF, 21mb)

This is Hans Jenny's groundbreaking book Cymatics - A Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration - Volume 1 (1967) which vividly depict how audible sound structures matter which can then be used to diagnose and heal people of various diseases among others. Cymatics, the study of wave phenomena, was pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904-1972). This comprehensive edition portrays fascinating experiments using audible sound to excite powders, pastes and liquids into life-like, flowing forms. The stunning array of images reflects a variety of patterns found throughout nature, art and architecture. Dr. Jenny's cymatic images are truly awe-inspiring, not only for their visual beauty in portraying the inherent responsiveness of matter to sound (vibration) but because they inspire a deep recognition that we, too, are part and parcel of this same complex and intricate vibrational matrix - the music of the spheres! These pages illumine the very principles which inspired the ancient Greek philosophers Heraclitus, Pythagoras and Plato, and cosmologists Giordano Bruno and Johannes Kepler. For Jenny, Cymatics was no mere philosophical conjecture, but a way of life, or perhaps, a way into life. He was a true mystic, a seeker into the infinitude of Nature, questing for the realization of what it is to be truly human. Pictures alone are worth a look. 135 pages, many pictures. A must see/read for everyone.

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Dr. Joseph S. Puleo, is a naturopathic physician and Christian Minister of the gospel, co-authored the book (Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse) with Dr. Leonard Horowitz, who holds a masters degree in public health from Harvard. Dr. Puleo spent three years researching the six tones with colleagues, Spiritual Elders, physicists and musicians alike.

The consensus of opinion was that the Solfeggio sequence of notes was recognized as "an extremely unique interrelated series of mathematical and electromagnetic sound frequencies that include harmonic sequences similar to those found in the 'Music of the Spheres," and were possible connected to the Original Creation tones, a series of tones sung by the Elohim in the creation of life upon our planet

In Healing Codes for the Biological apocalypse they published the Secret Solfeggio Frequencies. Basically it is the "Doe, Rae, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Doe" diatonic scale which we all learn in the first few grades of school. Over time, the pitch of this diatonic scale has changed and somehow Horowitz and Puleo found the original pitch frequencies. In the Solfeggio, "Ti" is missing and what we call "Doe" was known as "Ut". Here are the original pitch frequencies of these six notes:

The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:

396 Hz = UT - Liberating Guilt and Fear
417 Hz = RE - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
528 Hz = MI - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
639 Hz = FA - Connecting/Relationships
741 Hz = SOL - Awakening Intuition
852 Hz = LA - Returning to Spiritual Order

The basic Solfeggio frequencies totaled six (6). Horowitz continued his search through the years and extended it to 9 frequencies. 'Most everyone is familiar with the Star of David (ancient Hindu symbol of creation) which uses two triangles (inverted to each other) inscribed within a circle. If one uses the same approach for three triangles overlapping (no inversions) and space them approximately 40 degrees apart around a circle, some amazing relationships appear. Orient the circle with one triangle apex at North or zero degrees. Label that 396. At the next clockwise point label 417, the next 528, the next 639, the next 741 and the last 852. You now have the basic six Solfeggio frequencies.

As created so far, we have 3 missing numbers, but they can easily be created by applying this moving of digits positions. Take the triangle that has 396 and 639. If we take the 9 and move it to the first position we have 963, which is one of the extended Solfeggio frequencies! Thusly we can now continue the circle one more position by adding 963. Applying this same logic to the 417 and 741 triangle to fill in the missing number we move the 1 to the first position to develop 174 which is another extended Solfeggio number. Continuing clockwise add 174 to the number sequence. And the 528 and 852 triangle if we move the 2 to the first position we have 285, the final missing extended Solfeggio number. So elegantly simple.

The end result of all this or summation is the simple fact that you need to remember only two numbers: 174 and 111, and remember the principle of 3 overlapping triangles so that their points are about 40 degrees apart creating nine points around a circle and moving the last digit to the first position. Horowitz and Puleo state that these numbers are the key to creation and destruction.

The consensus of opinion was that the Solfeggio sequence of notes was recognized as "an extremely unique interrelated series of mathematical and electromagnetic sound frequencies that include harmonic sequences similar to those found in the 'Music of the Spheres," and were possible connected to the Original Creation tones, a series of tones sung by the Elohim in the creation of life upon our planet.

* a noteworthy addendum

Here are the numbers 1 to 9 in a standard 3x3 telephone grid

- 1 - 2 - 3 -
- 4 - 5 - 6 -
- 7 - 8 - 9 -

Read the numbers top down instead of left right and you get the first 3 solfeggio frequencies 147, 258 and 369, when you start at the middle row and go up first and down second you get 417, 528 and 639, lastly the bottom row up and you get 741, 852 and 963 and that completes the 9 solfeggio frequencies with 528 in the middle...Amazing isn't it, how this simple grid has been staring us in the face, yet with our tendency of reading left to right-or vice versa we don't see it consciously.

A nice page on The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies

Here's some Youtubes with some binaural Solfeggio

Solfeggio Arpeggio 396 417 528 639 741 852 963


528 Hz Schumann Chakra Balance (binaural beats)

528 Hz & Jupiter's Electromagnetic voices & Alpha brainwaves

Healing Overtone (Solfeggio DNA Arpeggio & binaural beats)

528 is: the heart of the electromagnetic color spectrum (the rainbow--greenish yellow) and sound spectrum according to Haltiwanger and Schmidt. It has been mathematically proven fundamental to all sacred geometry and cosmology.(Vic Showell and others) It is reported to repair damaged DNA.(Lorenzen) It is used by military weapons technicians to tune sophisticated hardware.(Anonymous source) It is C5 on the ancient diatonic scale,(Nicoloff) equal to A=444Hz (as opposed to standard tuning in A-440).(Walton and others) The A note set at 444Hz is used by the Boston Symphony Orchestra (according to Jonathan Goldman's research). It is the third note, MI tone, of the original Solfeggio scale credited for producing MIracles.(Puleo) The heart of the human being must resonate the pure tone 528Hz if we consider chakra system and the color of 528 associated with the heart chakra. Thus, if LOVE/joy are heart felt, then they would be carried fundamentally by the pure tone 528Hz; that also happens to be the natural frequency the human voice chants when the sound "AH" is chanted by groups. Many conjecture that heart-felt loving intention empowers prayer, and LOVE is the "Universal Healer."

Consequently, since all music in our contemporary world (from commercials, to modern hymns and symphonies) has been composed utilizing the 12-Tone Equal Temperament Scale, they all have vibrational limits. As a result, vibrational frequency of the tones of modern music can create situations such as "boxed-in thinking," stuffed and suppressed emotions; and fear-based " lack" consciousness—all of which then tend to manifest into physical symptoms of "dis-ease."
This is in contrast to music created from the Ancient Solfeggio Scale, which stimulates the vibration of expanded creativity, easier problem solving and holistic health.

The actual code that sparked Da Vinci’s creative genius, not mentioned in The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown or film by Ron Howard, is a set of mathematical-musical notes, numbers, and symbols that heralds civilization's capacity for Divine-human communion.

Dr Len Horowitz - Love, The Real Da Vinci Code (PDF, 15mb)

Here is some more on Dr Horowitz

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And now for some music

Jonathan Goldman - Holy Harmony ( FLAC, 341mb)

Holy Harmony contains two never before released Sacred Sound (Solfeggio) Tuning Forks of the complete healing codes of the Bible combined with the chant of YHSHV (Yod Hey Shin Vav Hey), an ancient Name of the Christ. These 9 tuning forks are said to be the Divine frequencies of creation. Some believe the sounding of them is said to fulfill certain Biblical prophecies. Others believe these frequencies have extraordinary healing and transformational properties. The YHSVH Chant is a powerful word of prayer, or a mantra, that is composed of specific letters of the Hebrew alphabet that create a sacred name for the Christ. The Chant can be used for protection, for clearing, and to resonate with the Christ energy. As the Healing Code Tuning Forks sound together with Jonathan Goldman and Sarah Benson’s beautiful and rich choral chanting, they create an extremely powerful , yet deeply calming sonic environment. The combination of the Tuning Forks with the YHSVH Chant is great for relaxation and meditation. These sounds may also be extremely healing and transformational.

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So after all this info, what can you do yourselves ? Well why not transcode some of your music, i've done about 30 albumsa t this time ..just a drop nevertheless. What So after all this info, what can you do yourselves ? Well why not transcode some of your music, i've done about 30 albumsa t this time ..just a drop nevertheless. What exactly did i do..i downloaded Audacity 1.26 installed it, opened a music file, activate on effect button, chose change pitch reset A =440 to 444 hz , by doing this you will get a C of 528 Hz, indeed a sacred vibe...whilst doing this and some experimenting i noted that this caused the file size to shrink 2-3% , infact it was the smallest combination i tried....Does this mean data is lost ? yes-noise. No ! This has to do with collapsing waveforms --the better it can, the smallest file you'll get, pure sound usess less space..Anyway you should try yourself. I'm conviced i've tried King Crimson, Kraftwerk, Talk Talk & Radiohead to name some..I did this one too, for me it was one of the best albums this year. Take a chance

Gift (09 105 mb A = 444 Hz)

To give a clue about the gift some words by reviewing amazon customers.

The return of the essential complete album. The album that's too good to just download a song or two, but one where you want to own the whole thing. One you want to hold in your hands and read the liner notes while it's playing on your stereo

Its nice to see a artist finally have some music that is open to interpetation. As for some it might seem lonely, isolated and maybe even depressing material. It is dark, it is catchy, it is tribal & mysterious... and a piece of art as well as music, when you consider the videos and live performances. Such avant-garde-leaning material, albeit with one foot firmly in the pop/electronica realm, will undoubtedly invite comparisons..........

This is a record that never resolves into a pumping session but it never fails to satisfy. An album of ideas but of deep emotional effect, with subtleties that crawl slowly but steadily. The hidden clues to uncover its beauty are scattered making it a flavor that one keeps coming back to savor in a different way each time. Never dull despite the mood, never disappointing despite the apparent form constriction, this is one of the best records released this year and a morphing creature that continues to evolve to reveal a fascinating soundscape with each listen.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Daze !

Hello there ! Time to wish all my visitors some Happy Daze and a magical 2010 !

Well most movies shown during these days are either of the blockbuster type or the cheesy feel good movies that try to uplift the atmosfear with makebelief, very much in line with the Jesus birth story. To break thru this predictable mindsetting i offer you a movie that fans say should be seen more then once...and yes it's about Love and Life.

The Fountain is a breathtaking sentimental masterpiece as it boldly seeks to answer the great mysteries of life, love, death and re-birth transgressing the metaphysical boundaries of the universe. It's epic non-linear narrative spans the centuries with Hugh Jackman delivering an absolutely unforgettable performance as Tomas, a Spanish Conquistador in the 16th century who pledges his loyalty to Queen Isabella (Rachel Weisz) to find the mythical Tree of Life . Tomas' quest is interleaved between three converging narratives across time and space. As a modern-day neurosurgeon, Tomas struggles to find a cure for a tumorous disease that threatens the mortality of his beloved wife Izzi who is writing a fable called "The Fountain" chronicling the odyssey of their 16th century quest

One of the beauties of The Fountain is its open-ended narrative construct left to speculation and interpretation and can be viewed from entirely different perspectives with each consecutive viewing. Tomas' quest ultimately takes him to the distant 26th century where he has projected himself and the dying Tree of Life across the great void of space in a transcendental bubble to reach Xibalba, the name of the Mayan underworld given to a dying nebula that brings the creation of new life from the wake of its destruction like the yin and yang of the cosmos beyond the confines of this mortal coil.

Darren Aronofsky's poetic film blossoms with rich cultural, biblical, mythical and spiritual imagery that speak the common language spoken by all religions and cultures that have asked the boldest philosophical questions about our place in the universe since time immemorial. For anyone who has ever looked to the heavens and stared in the face of mortality and beyond, The Fountain holds all of the answers to life like a profound epiphany radiating from the heavens. Drink from The Fountain and achieve the knowledge of truth and spiritual enlightenment on the road to Awe.

The Fountain (2006) (399mb)

Cast: Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz, Ellen Burstyn, Mark Margolis, Stephen McHattie, Fernando Hernandez

Source: 720p HV
Format: Matroska (MKV)
Genre: Drama | Romance | Sci-Fi
Resolution: 1008 x 560
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Languese: English
RunTime: 01:36:34
Director: Darren Aronofsky


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There's a great awardwinning soundtrack to this film..........

Clint Mansell - OST The Fountain ( 93mb )

Darren Aronofsky's visionary masterpiece The Fountain is a sight to behold for sure, and one of the most memorable things about the film is the haunting score. Clint Mansell, who also scored Aronofsky's previous films Pi and Requiem for a Dream, provides the beautiful and haunting score for The Fountain, which may very well be one of the absolute best film scores you will ever hear. With assists from the Kronos Quartet and Scottish rockers Mogwai, Mansell provides a shockingly emotional, deliberately paced score that undermines the feelings of loss and love that Aronofsky exploited in his film. The end result is some of the most emotionally heartbreaking film score music ever crafted, and if you don't believe me there, give a listen to the closing "Together We Will Live Forever", played during the closing credits of the film. "Tree of Life", "Stay With Me", and "First Snow" also illustrate the haunting beauty of the film, and "Death is the Road to Awe" is nothing short of epic and heartbreaking. All in all, Clint Mansell's score to Darren Aronofsky's The Fountain is a haunting and brilliant piece of music that is both sad and beautiful at the same time, and needless to say that if you enjoyed the music in the film, the score is an essential pick up.

Until 1996 Clint Mansell was best known as the lead singer and guitarist of the British alternative rock band Pop Will Eat Itself. After PWEI disbanded he began a successful solo career as a soundtrack composer. In 1996 Mansell was asked to score the film π by his friend, Darren Aronofsky. Initially unnoticed, the score gained a certain following after its inclusion on the soundtrack album. Buoyed with this success he went on to score Aronofsky’s second film Requiem for a Dream. The track "Lux Aeterna", used in Requiem, was re-arranged, renamed "Requiem for a Tower" and used as the trailer for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

That completes my first posting today, later there's one about Sound

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bab (23)

Hello, almost forgot this encore, the music of Babylon 5 which has been almost completely from the hands of one man, Christopher Franke. The original pilot film had music composed by Stewart Copeland of The Police. When the show was picked up as a weekly series, Copeland was unavailable, so Christopher Franke of Tangerine Dream was hired. Franke was the composer for all five seasons of Babylon 5, three of the television films, and the Lost Tales DVD. When Straczynski obtained funds to create a new producer's cut of the pilot film, the original Copeland score was replaced with a new score by Franke. Over thirty soundtrack CDs have been issued featuring Franke's Babylon 5 compositions.

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Chris Franke - The OST Babylon 5 Suite ( 100mb)
Born in Berlin, Germany in April, 1953, Christopher Franke studied classical music and composition at the Berlin Conservatory. At that time he was influenced by such composers as Krzysztof Penderecki, John Cage and Karl-Heinz Stockhausen and was actively involved in rock and jazz music.

Together with his composition teacher, Franke set up a sound studio within a Berlin music school. The experimental excursions resulted in a project that evolved into the Berlin School of Electronic Music. It was there that Christopher Franke met Edgar Froese and became a member of the group Tangerine Dream. He pioneered the fascinating soundscapes of the Moog Synthesizer and explored the Moog Sequencer creating driving, hypnotic rhythm patterns. One year later, Franke brought Peter Baumann into the band. Between 1970 and 1988, Tangerine Dream released 37 albums and composed scores for more than 30 feature films, including "Legend", "Sorcerer", "Thief", "Firestarter", and "Risky Business".

After leaving the Group in 1988, he released his first solo album, "Pacific Coast Highway" in 1991. That same year he founded the Berlin Symphonic Film Orchestra and opened a new, much needed recording studio in Hollywood as he became a successful film music composer on his own. In 1993, Christopher started the record label, "Sonic Images Records", and subsequently released numerous studio recordings and soundtracks. He has composed the music for feature films, such as the blockbuster "Universal Soldier", as well as for television, including the cult Sci-Fi series "Babylon 5". 1997 witnessed the release of Franke's critically acclaimed "The Celestine Prophecy - A Musical Voyage", a companion CD to James Redfield's best selling book "The Celestine Prophecy".

More recently, Franke completed the score to the epic "Tarzan and the Lost City", the influential documentary "What the Bleep do we know?", the hit-movie "Hooligans" starring Elijah Wood and the new Sci-Fi movie "Babylon 5 - The Lost Tales".

Monday, June 22, 2009

Nebulous (19)

Hello there, the Nebulous series are over but as an encore here's the quick and easy reminder

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Nebulous Season 1 (01-06) (168min, 120mb)

Nebulous Season 2 (07-12) (168min, 118mb)

Nebulous Season 3 (13-18) (168min, 130mb)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sundaze (25)

Hello, the sun has come up this morning and that means its oficial...summer has started ! I hope you all get to enjoy it, for those on the southern hemisphere no need to sulk..time flies and in 6 months its summer there aswell. Now then today continue with last weeks post..History of Ambient series 2 & 3..should do well in the background in the evening in the garden..this kinda music really sounds best outside so drag your speakers out into the garden and enjoy..

VA - A Brief History Of Ambient 2 (Imaginary Landscapes) 1 (94 ^ 134mb)

01 - Baaba Maal - Call To Prayer (3:52)
02 - Brian Eno - Tal Coast (5:06)
03 - Amorphous Androgynous - In Mind (5:26)
04 - Tangerine Dream - Rubycon Part 2 (Edit) (6:32)
05 - David Sylvian - The Healing Place (5:16)
06 - Grid - Crystal Clear (Clear, Like An Unmuddied Lake) (Edit) (6:12)
07 - Ryuichi Sakamoto - Nuages (2:08)
08 - Fripp & Eno - Wind On Water (5:15)
09 - Penguin Cafe Orchestra - Wildlife (8:11)
10 - Jansen / Barbieri - When Things Dream (2:39)
11 - Gong - Magick Mother Invocation (1:33)
12 - David Sylvian & Robert Fripp - Bringing Down The Light (8:14)
13 - Jah Wobble - Not Another (3:12)
14 - Guo Brothers - One Flower (1:31)
15 - God - Black Jesus (6:34)
16 - Brian Eno & David Byrne - Mountain Of Needles (2:33)

VA - A Brief History Of Ambient 2 (Imaginary Landscapes) 2 (94 ^140mb)

17 - Phil Manzanera - You Are Here (1:46)
18 - Prince Far I - Bendel Dub (3:05)
19 - Dimitri Pokrovsky Ensemble - Slow Kaliuki (Edit) (0:29)
20 - Daevid Allen - Euterpe Gratitude Piece (9:21)
21 - Robert Fripp - Water Music (1:16)
22 - Rain Tree Crow - New Moon At Red Deer Wallow (5:01)
23 - Bassomatic - Attack Of The 50 Foot Drum Demon (4:14)
24 - Jam Nation - Mekong (5:09)
25 - Verve - Endless Life (5:15)
26 - Klaus Schulze - Nachtmusik Shattenhaft (6:31)
27 - Voyager - Arrival (Edit) (7:14)
28 - Edgar Froese - Specific Gravity Of Smile (9:29)
29 - Tsinandali Choir - Orovela (4:54)
30 - Laraaji - The Dance No. 3 (3:02)
31 - Holger Czukay & David Sylvian - Premonition (6:37)
32 - Edge - Island (1:56)

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VA - A Brief History Of Ambient Volume 3 (The Music Of Changes) 1 (94 ^ 137mb)

01 - Shu-De - Sygt, Khoomei, Karagyraa (Styles Of Throat Singing) (1:09)
02 - Bruno Spoerri & Irmin Schmidt - When The Waters Came To Life (4:23)
03 - David Sylvian & Robert Fripp - Darshana (Re-Constructed By FSOL) (9:53)
04 - William Orbit - Gringatcho Demento (6:20)
05 - Rain Tree Crow - Red Earth (As Summertime Ends) (3:34)
06 - Ryuichi Sakamoto - The Last Emperor - Theme Variation 1 (2:19)
07 - Robert Fripp - 1988 (10:27)
08 - David Sylvian - Epiphany (1:28)
09 - Amorphous Androgynous - A Study Of Six Guitars (3:08)
10 - Trisan - May Yo I (5:48)
11 - Bill Laswell - Kingdom Come (7:27)
12 - Seigen Ono - You Will Be Alright (2:43)
13 - Laraaji - Meditation #2 (7:34)
14 - Bark Psychosis - Pendulum Man (9:54)

VA - A Brief History Of Ambient Volume 3 (The Music Of Changes) 2 (94 ^ 140mb)

15 - Michael Brook With Brian Eno And Daniel Lanois - Distant Village (3:56)
16 - Holger Czukay , Jah Wobble , Jaki Liebezeit - Mystery R.P.S. (No. 8) (8:23)
17 - Prince Far I - Throw Away Your Gun (Dub) (4:30)
18 - Brian Eno , Harold Budd - Wind In Lonely Fences (3:40)
19 - King Crimson - Nuages (That Which Passes, Passes Like Clouds) (4:44)
20 - Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Mustt Mustt (Massive Attack Remix) (5:29)
21 - Stephan Micus - Concert For Gender, Shakuhachi And Zither (Excerpt) (1:21)
22 - Robert Fripp / Brian Eno - Healthy Colours III (5:35)
23 - Future Sound Of London, The - Cascade Parts 2 & 3 (13:26)
24 - Robert Quine / Fred Maher - Summer Storm (4:00)
25 - Jon Hassell / Brian Eno - Rising Thermal 14° 16' N; 32° 28' E (2:43)
26 - David Sylvian ∙ Holger Czukay - Mutability ("A New Beginning Is In The Offing") (Excerpt) (8:43)
27 - Brian Eno 2/2 (9:28)

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bab (122)

Hello, today Babylon 5 Season 1, Signs and Portents comes to an end, lots of events setting the stage for Season 2, The Coming of Shadows where things start getting ugly. Now i'm not sure whether i will continue posting Babylon 5 asi feel the response has been unclear to me, those that have been following should make themselves noticable, if i hear nothing from you all there's not much reason to continue now, is there? Anyway Transgloballs will take a summerbreak after the 22nd.

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It was the dawn of the third age of mankind – ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream, given form. Its goal: to prevent another war, by creating a place where humans and aliens can work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call – home away from home – for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens, wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal... all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.

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S01E22 Chrysalis

Negotiations between the Narn and Centauri over territorial claims to Quadrant 37 are getting nowhere, and it looks like G'Kar has the upper hand on Londo. Morden, the elusive man who once asked Londo and G'Kar what they wanted, appears out of nowhere and offers Londo the opportunity to take credit for a solution to the Quadrant 37 problem that will tip the scales in the Centauri's favor, a solution which Morden and his unspecified associates will provide at no cost.

Garibaldi follows a tenuous trail of clues to a man named Devereaux, who warns that the security chief is getting into something too big for him. As it turns out, this is true - Garibaldi discovers evidence that Devereaux may be an Earthforce special agent, and finally stumbles across a plot to assassinate the president of the Earth Alliance. He pays for this discovery dearly when one of the conspirators, Garibaldi's trusted friend and second-in-command of B5 Security, shoots him on the back.

The Shadows are cast upon Quadrant 37, utterly annihilating every trace of the Narn presence there in mere seconds.
Delenn goes to Sinclair to discuss at last the Battle of the Line and his capture, but his priority must be to find Garibaldi. Delenn is risking her life and Sinclair's to reveal the mystery to him, and warns that she has little time left.
Garibaldi, dying, warns of the plot to kill the president, but his warning is too late, and Earthforce One is destroyed and Vice President Clark is sworn in as president hours later. All this takes place against the backdrop of new years eve 2258.

S01E22 Chrysalis (zip 342mb)

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bab (121)

Hello, Babylon 5 season 1 is almost done, final cliffhanger episode is coming saturday, todays show is a mixed bag of life on Babylon 5.....

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It was the dawn of the third age of mankind – ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream, given form. Its goal: to prevent another war, by creating a place where humans and aliens can work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call – home away from home – for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens, wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal... all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.

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S01E21 The Quality of Mercy

Ivanova discovers that Dr. Franklin has been operating a free clinic for dwellers of Down Below, the area of Babylon 5 where most of the unemployed eke out a poverty-stricken existence, and that he's been using some of his medlab supplies to do so. Not much later, Franklin himself learns of another free clinic being operated aboard the station, one which promises to heal everything. Franklin finds Dr. Laura Rosen, an aging physician who has discovered an alien device with an unknown origin that seems to remove illness, disease and debilitation harmlessly. Dr. Rosen herself is slowly dying of a terminal illness, but does not use the machine on herself.

Meanwhile, convicted murderer Karl Mueller is sentenced to have his personality mindwiped and reprogrammed so he may serve a useful function in society. Prior to the wipe, Talia must scan him so she can compare his thoughts before and after the wipe to verify the success of the operation. What she finds in Mueller's mind horrifies her, then he escapes his guards....... Oblivious of all this Lennier gets taken by ambassador Molari for a night in "the town" that turns out very illuminating for him in many ways....

The Quality of Mercy (zip 341mb)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Monday, June 15, 2009

Nebulous (18)

Hello, well as announced last week today we have the final episode of the Professor and his KENT team. It's unclear whther there will be a 4th series not to worry the talk is now of adapting it's success into a tv series so i would think it unlikely that we've heard the last of Nebulous and his crew...

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Nebulous 18, Us And Phlegm

When 99 percent of the nation's workforce phone in sick, Nebulous- the only K.E.N.T. member still in perfect health- comes face to face with a very unpleasant alien life form in the form of the Phlegmbions (A phlegm/mucus hybrid)... allied with none other than his childhood doctor, Doctor Beep. Special Guest Star David Tennant.

Us And Phlegm (28min, 22mb)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sundaze (24)

Hello, hooray let the show begin and the Sundaze start, and i have some great music today, first up Kit Watkins his Though Tones 2 album may at times come close to Eno's work but Kit is a skilled musician who knows what he's doing..Visit his website or Watkins You Tube page plenty more than this album from this versatile and eclectic musician/composer...

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Kit Watkins - Thought Tones Volume 2 ( 92 ^ 143mb)

Kit Watkins was born to a couple of classical piano teachers in 1953 in Virginia, not surprisingly he studied piano at home from ages 5 through 13. During his teen years, Kit was drawn to rock music and click for larger became a driving force behind a series of local bands, playing organ, synthesizer, and flute, as well as singing lead. By age 18, he was discovering his own writing abilities. He soon joined up with the band Happy The Man (HTM) which was forming at the local university. It was with HTM that Kit honed his skills in composing, performing, arranging, and producing. During its six years, the band recorded five albums, including two produced by Ken Scott and released on Arista Records. In 1979, with HTM unable to get a new record controct Kit got an invitation to join the British band Camel , dissatisfied with his opportunities in the band he left 1 year later, though he did join them on several tours of the UK, Europe, and Japan from 1980 through 1982.

In the early '80s, Watkins began building his own home studio and produced consistently inviting music that draws on his first-rate keyboard skills and his keen ear for sonic detail. Kit’s solo career began in 1980 with the self-produced album Labyrinth, released on his own Azimuth Records label. The album won him 5th place in Keyboard magazine’s Annual Readers’ Poll Awards for keyboard album. He recorded and performed with drummer/percussionist Coco Roussel during this period. During the 80s, Kit continued to produce solo and collaborative albums, some click for largerreleased on his own label, while others were picked up by larger independent labels. In the early 90s, Kit formed a new label, Linden Music, which released a number of his new ambient recordings, as well as CDs by Robert Rich, Jeff Greinke, David Borden, and others. When in 96 distribution fell away the label fell too. Unsurprisingly Kit has been a great fan of the internet as artists like him get a chance being heard with all the distribution models available now.

In 2001, Kit performed a milestone concert in Philadelphia for The Gatherings series, hosted by Chuck van Zyl of Star’s End Ambient click for largerRadio. It was Kit’s first performance in 20 years, and his first ever as a solo artist in a new genre. In preparation for this concert, Kit began learning and using an electronic wind instrument as the focal point of his stage performance. He finds this instrument far more expressive and liberating than electronic keyboards, especially for melody and solo work. The Gathering CDs/DVD are available at the Kit Watkins shop.

Kit Watkins is continuing to record and release new works from his private studio in Brattleboro, Vermont.The music of Kit Watkins can be heard on-line at, as well as on such broadcast radio shows as Hearts of Space, Star’s End, and Echoes. Kit Watkins.Com lots of streamed music and even free downloads from his discography..good website well worth a visit

The second volume in Kit Watkins's Thought Tones series continues the exploration of mysterious abstract soundscapes intended to assist "creative thinking, contemplation, imagination, and other forms of direct and indirect perception." .

01 - Tone 6 (16:19)
02 - Tone 7 (12:09)
03 - Tone 8 (13:47)
04 - Tone 9 (11:47)
05 - Tone 10 (13:15)

Thoughtone 1 -(128k quality) download is available for free at Watkins website

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

VA - A Brief History of Ambient 1 1 (1973-1993) (93 ^ 137mb)

The Virgin Ambient Series was a series of albums released on the UK Virgin Records label between 1993 and 1997. A Brief History of Ambient was the first one and it's success carried the 24 albums that were released in the series, 13 of which compilations. Obviously this is not a complete history by any means , but Virgin trying to prove they were into ambient way back when the term didnt even exist..That said as an ambient compilation it's rather diverse, which is a good thing, ambient isnt necessarily meditation music.... Well you can pick and choose after you got it all..for free

01 - Harold Budd - Flowered Knife Shadows (7:05)
02 - Tangerine Dream - Thru Metamorphic Rock (Edit) (9:46)
03 - Robert Fripp / Brian Eno - Evening Star (7:30)
04 - Amorphous Androgynous - Mountain Goat (4:28)
05 - Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Sea Of Vapours (3:49)
06 - Hawkwind - The Forge Of Vulcan (3:01)
07 - Killing Joke - Requiem (A Floating Leaf Always Reaches The Sea Dub Mix) (10:35)
08 - Brian Eno - An Ending (Ascent) (4:11)
09 - Richard Horowitz - Marnia's Tent (2:58)
10 - Irmin Schmidt & Bruno Spoerri - Rapido De Noir (6:32)
11 - Ashra - Kazoo (5:36)
12 - Harold Budd & Brian Eno - Their Memories (2:38)
13 - Grid - Leave Your Body (4:46)
14 - Christopher Franke - Electric Becomes Eclectic (3:39)

VA - A Brief History Of Ambient 1 2 ( 93 ^ 144mb)

15 - Tangerine Dream - Phaedra (Edit) (10:25)
16 - Jon Hassell & Brian Eno - Delta Rain Dream (3:20)
17 - William Orbit - The Monkey King (4:49)
18 - Gong - Castle In The Clouds (1:02)
19 - Hawkwind - Lifeform (1:40)
20 - Laraaji - The Dance #2 (9:04)
21 - Sheila Chandra - Sacred Stones (5:26)
22 - Michael Brook - Earth Floor (4:44)
23 - Faust - Läuft, Heisst Das Es Läuft Oder Es Kommt Bald...Läuft (3:19)
24 - Jon Hassell - Gift Of Fire (4:41)
25 - Material - The End Of Words (3:46)
26 - Edgar Froese - Panorphelia (9:35)
27 - Roger Eno - Voices (2:15)
28 - Holger Czukay - Träum Mal Weider (7:21)
29 - David Sylvian - Home (4:14)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bab (120)

Hello, there's a solstace coming up next week..make the most of You never know what's next..That said there was a spectacular..2 in fact crop pictograms recently, a dragonfly and a huge 130 ft jellyfish both with asthonishing detail.

Now browsing the comments section i came across the idea that this particular jellifish crop-pictogram pointed to..A the way our magnetic field works under duresse and B gave a timemarker namely the 7th of July on which day a CME or coronal mass ejection of the sun would hit Earth..bad for communications and specially for the powergrid..Suppose this happens are we ready to believe that these pictograms are not done overnight by a bunch of creative clowns but by others not of our time/earth. Double chaos i presume if all this were to go some detailed theory/analysis HERE

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

It was the dawn of the third age of mankind – ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream, given form. Its goal: to prevent another war, by creating a place where humans and aliens can work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call – home away from home – for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens, wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal... all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

S01E20 Babylon Squared

Tachyon disturbances in the area of space which was once occupied by Babylon 4 concern Sinclair, especially when a fighter pilot who investigates returns to the station dead of old age. Then a message arrives from the long-gone station - a distress call from B4. A convoy of fighters and transports departs Babylon 5 to see if the ghostly station can be evacuated. It turns out that B4 and its crew have been lost in time, and the station, according to an unusual and evasive alien named Zathras, has been brought back to 2258 so its occupants can escape.

Zathras also mentions The One, a space-suited figure who appears ghostlike in the corridors of B4, and tells of how the station has been lifted from its present to serve as a staging base in a great war. Sinclair offers his help, but Zathras refuses the offer. Meanwhile Delenn is at the Minbari Grey council where she's offered the leadership position, which she declines as she wishes to follow her heart and continue her research into the humans (gives a great speech !).

Babylon Squared (zip 342mb)

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bab (119)

Hello, well Commandar Sinclair is having to deal with the greed of Earthdome, aliens and a sick keeper of unbelieveable knowledge, power and technology..his diplomatic and creative skills are called for..

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

It was the dawn of the third age of mankind – ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream, given form. Its goal: to prevent another war, by creating a place where humans and aliens can work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call – home away from home – for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens, wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal... all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

S01E19 A Voice in the Wilderness part 2

As Sinclair and Ivanova return to the station with the dying being from Epsilon 3, the Earth Alliance heavy cruiser Hyperion arrives, supposedly to provide backup should any of the alien governments object to an anticipated Earth takeover of the unimaginably powerful technology found on Epsilon 3. In the meantime, Draal, a friend of Delenn's who has arrived to tell her he is probably never going to return to Minbar, somehow picks up on the presence of the alien Varn in the Medlab.

Varn reveals that Epsilon 3 is the hiding place of a level of technology which could be malevolently destructive in the wrong hands, and Varn is its guardian, but with his condition fading of natural causes, the planet's defenses are becoming erratic and volatile. As if the uncooperative captain of the Hyperion isn't enough for Sinclair to deal with, an alien ship containing beings similar to Varn arrives, demanding custody of Epsilon 3's technology and theatening any who stand in the way. Draal wants to take Varn and go to Epsilon 3, and Delenn convinces Londo to fly them down to the surface in the midst of a pitch battle between the combined forces of B5, the Hyperion and the alien attackers. Who will lay claim to the planet and its arsenal?

A Voice in the Wilderness part 2 (zip 341mb)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Nebulous (17)

Hello there, some disturbing news first that is we're nearing the end of the Nebulous series, today the penultimate one with the outragous title..Rebel Without A Cortex..damn books could be written with a title like that or at least a new reality tv contest but maybe You Tube has plenty of those kinda where's my cortex .....

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Nebulous 17, Rebel Without A Cortex

Nebulous and his team have to transport a dangerous criminal to Venus: a shapeshifting alien known as a Yarwood. It morphs into a female Lovley in front of Rory, Nebulous' father in front of the Professor, and as Nebulous himself in front of Paula. 

Rebel Without A Cortex (28min, 21mb)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sundaze (23)

Hello, how quickly a week passes, time again for another Sundaze. Last week i presented a blip from my obviously didnt stand alone at the time..end/beginning of the century there were a lot of chill out/ambient compilations released and even serialised. One of the better compilers , Enrico Riva released the Transatlantik Lounging Series. Here today the one that opened the door to the 3 that followed. Furthermore a very special accapella album, you really need to get this to believe how brilliantly these performers recreate the Dark Side Of The Moon no less..without any instruments just the human amazed.. There's 2 versions here--the original 1 track without breaks or you can get the version i edited ..that is including the breaks...

The mood is out there.....breathe in...

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Voices on the Dark Side - Dark Side of the Moon - A Cappella ( 05 ^ 98mb)

At the root of "Dark Side of the Moon A Cappella" is the use of a cappella as a means of taking the music to a different, more personal, level. The distillation of the forty-five minutes of instrumental and vocal music into nine voices is intended to at once highlight the power of the human voice and reveal new depths of the original material. There is a rawness to a cappella performance that lends itself well to the simultaneous complexity and simplicity of Pink Floyd in general and this album in particular. 

Floyd's masterpiece, 'Dark Side' is vocally recreated here by 8 singers and 1 vocal percussionist, and the results are fairly stunning. Of course, many people know these 9 tunes by heart: 'Speak to Me/Breathe,' 'On the Run,' 'Time,' 'Money,' 'Us and Them' and others, but the envelope that the recording pushes goes way beyond being able to better understand what the lyrics actually were. Floyd used synthesizers and audio effects to create their haunting sound, and it's totally cool to hear the voices riff on a creating a particularly difficult beloved passage, and succeeding. Recorded in High Definition, without breaks between the tracks, and as close to the original timing as possible, lovers of a cappella and/or of rock will want and need to hear 'Dark Side,' to be amazed again by the power of the human voice.

01 - Speak To Me/Breathe
02 - On The Run
03 - Time
04 - The Great Gig In The Sky
05 - Money
06 - Us And Them
07 - Any Colour You Like
08 - Brain Damage
09 - Eclipse

Voices on the Dark Side - Dark Side of the Moon splits version

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

VA - Transatlantik Lounging (99 ^ 126mb)

What's the difference between mood music and muzak? According to the booklet, written by Enrico Riva (who also selected the tracks), that comes with this CD, mood music is for swingers and the jazz feel makes all the difference. Still according to text in the booklet, the first mood music album that was ever made was Paul Weston's "Music For Dreaming" from 1945...It shows that Alfred Bos (aka Enrico Riva) is a music journalist/writer 
This compilation offers an overview of recent mood music releases, featured artists range from well-known to more obscure. The style ranges from jazzy drum'n bass to jazzy breakbeats to jazzy ambient to jazzy whatever. Overall characteristics are the jazz feel (like you didn't know that by now), use of exotic instruments, lush textures, sunny melodies, laidback beats, heavy percussion, and so on. It's midway between dancefloor exhiliration and ambient wallpaper. It's music for carefree enjoyment....

01 - Vegas Soul - Time Flies (Prelude)
02 - - Jacob's Reef
03 - Nor Elle - Moon B252
04 - Lemongrass - Little Alien
05 - Ian Simmonds - Theme To The Last Puma
06 - Amon Tobin - Bridge
07 - DJ Cam - Birds Also Sing For Anamaria
08 - First Contact - What Kids Do On A Sunny Day
09 - Marcel - On The Beach (Remix)
10 - John Beltran - Sensual Healing
11 - Irresistible Force - Nepalese Bliss
12 - Nu Dja 6 - Jean-Pierre
13 - Fila Brazillia - Tunstall And Californian Haddock
14 - Luke Vibert - Slipped Disc
15 - Black Science Orchestra - Hudson River Revisited

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Bab (118)

Hello, it's been a quiet week here..EU elections..well these are farcecal anyway, an oversegmented parlement without any real's becoming clearer everyday that the EU is not for the people it's for the corperations and the shady powers that be, imposing their laws on the people. Sure many of the new members are still in the carrot phase and the naturally federal Germans don't see much harm, the Italians are more interested in Berlusconi's villa of orgies and the Popes blessing, but the rest of the old EU is rather fed up, the Dutch and the French said no but their governments know better and if the Irish don't hold out we're all doomed here. Alas it's unlikely the Irish will hold out as they've been hard hit by the crises and they undoubtely have been told to vote yes or starve (figurativly)..Not sure if they'll use electronic voting machines in which case the outcome is guaranteed as there's a very big boot at play here, one that plans to usurp 27 countries in one go. Fuck those salon intellektuals..remember Lenin was one too, back in his day before he led the communist reign of terror with his Jewish comrades. The EU is a monster about to awaken, it will devour all freedom in the name of freedom for big business....

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

It was the dawn of the third age of mankind – ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream, given form. Its goal: to prevent another war, by creating a place where humans and aliens can work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call – home away from home – for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens, wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal... all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

S01E18 A Voice in the Wilderness part 1

Seismic disturbances on the surface of Epsilon 3, the planet B5 orbits, draw the attention of the crew. A shuttle manned by a science team leaves the station to investigate, but it is thrown off course by a burst of intense energy from Epsilon 3's surface. A further attempt to survey the planet activates an automatic defense system which fires heat-seeking missiles from an installation hidden beneath the planet's surface. In the meantime, news reaches the station that the Mars Colony has been engulfed in a full-fledged political revolt, and a mysterious image is sighted aboard B5 pleading for help. Deciding that the recent attack constitutes a threat to station security, Sinclair and Ivanova are the next shuttle crew to try to land on Epsilon 3. Evading the defense systems, they dive below the surface and discover an underground installation filled with astounding technology on a scale never before seen. And at the center of this vast complex, the being from the mysterious image begs Sinclair and Ivanova for help - and warns that anyone near Epsilon 3 is in grave danger.

A Voice in the Wilderness part 1 (zip 342mb)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bab (117)

Hello, hmm i'm not here right now, so let's see if this preposting works as it should. One of the remarkable spects of Babylon 5 was that there were strong and authorative roles for women in it. Today you get to see Delenn in action....

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

It was the dawn of the third age of mankind – ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream, given form. Its goal: to prevent another war, by creating a place where humans and aliens can work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call – home away from home – for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens, wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal... all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

S01E17 Legacies

A Minbari war cruiser arrives at Babylon 5, bringing the body of Shai Alyt Branmer, a legendary Minbari war leader and one of the Minbari heroes of the Battle of the Line. Garibaldi expresses concerns that the tour could be a prelude to a new surge of Minbari hostility.

When the body of Branmer is brought to be viewed by the Minbari residents of B5, the casket is found to be empty, a horrible revelation that has Minbari representative Alyt Neroon - Brammer's devoted follower and first officer on the Line - threatening to re-ignite the Earth-Minbari War, with the first battle certain to take place at B5.

Elsewhere on B5, a 12-year-old orphan, named Alisa Beldon, is caught trying to steal food in the Zocalo, but when she suddenly crumples to the ground clutching her head, Ivanova puts her under arrest, and at once a feud begins between the first officer and Talia, who reveals that the girl is an emerging telepath who should be trained by the Psi Corps, to which Ivanova objects in the strongest possible terms. Ivanova takes her to see Delenn, who explains how Minbari telepaths live. During their discussion, Alisa looks into Delenn's mind and sees that it was she who took Branmer's body.....

Bab 1 17 Legacies(zip 341mb)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Nebulous (16)

Hello there, nothing to say..well i'm a bit tired, so with out furter ado..

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

16, We Nebulous

Returning to K.E.N.T. after a trip away, Paula and Rory are contacted by Nebulous, who informs them that he has been incarcerated in Biros Optimum Security Prison alongside the galaxy's most evil masterminds... only to learn too late that they have actually rescued Nebulous' long lost evil twin brother, Professor 'Spiffo' Nebulous, forcing K.E.N.T.'s Nebulous (whose first name is Boffo) to confront his evil twin at last.

Nebulous 16, We Nebulous (28min, 21mb)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sundaze (22)

Hello, some great Sundazing coming up, although a slight breeze is most welcome for the Aeolian harps, furthermore the original Sundaze 1 is here , retrieved from way back..that is about 10 years ago..

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

A brief history of the Aeolian harp

Legend has it that Hermes, while strolling along a beach, heard the wind playing music on the dried sinews stretched in a tortoise shell and thus discovered the lyre. The instruments are named after Aeolus who is the Greek God of the wind. This tying up of the God and the instrument took place not in Greek but in more recent classical times.

It became rather popular in the 18 th and 19th century

Shelley, in "Fragments connected with Epipsychidon" remarks:

There is a power, a love, and joy, a God
Which makes in mortal hearts its brief abode,
A Pythian exhaltation, which inspires Love,
only love - a wind which o'er the wires
Of the soul's giant harp
There is a mood which language faints beneath

Keats writes:

The clear religion of heaven!
A rose leaf round thy finger's taperness
And soothe thy lips; hist, when the airy stress
Of music's kiss impreganates the free winds,
And with a sympathetic touch unbinds
Eolian magic from their lucid wombs.

An interesting observation from Jean George Kastner in his "La Harp d'Eole et la Musique Cosmique" published in 1856...."The Aeolian Harp has singular properties liked intimately and sensibly to the poetic charm of its music. It is recognized that it exerts a powerful effect upon the nervous system and can cause very diverse - even opposing impressions according to the temperament of the individual." Roger Winfield will certainly back this up. On his original privately produced cassette of "Windsongs" he even had printed "Do not use whilst driving" on the cover to ensure that the listener had a meaningful, rather than a terminal, experience.

By the turn of the twentieth century the Aeolian Harp was heard of no more, drowned out by the noisy grinding wheels of a society that demands instant gratification. To listen properly to the Aeolian Harp one needs to stop still and wait patiently for the exquisite moments the wind can create.

Aeolus has never stopped singing his songs.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Roger Winfield - Windsongs The Sound of Aeolian Harps ( 91 ^ 97mb)

Whilst Winfield was living on the Preselli Hills in West Wales his fascination was sparked off by hearing the breeze playing across a guitar left outside. This led to the creation of weird and wonderful contraptions that made unique musical sounds but lacked volume. To overcome this problem, experimenting with mikes he eventually settled for magnetic pick-ups close to the strings. Several years later the idea of an Aeolian Harp orchestra began to develop and with the aid of experienced instrument makers Roger created the sculptural ensemble that are featured on this album. (made from wood, perspex, fiberglass and metal, the instruments were designed to be aesthetically pleasing as well as technically functional. Each instrument was designed to take a particular gauge of metal string; the largest instruments strung with bass strings, the smallest with thinner strings so creating a soprano effect).

Windsongs" was the product of a four-month sojourn in Spain during the winter and spring of 1989. He decided to go south because of the dryer weather. Recording Aeolian Harps involves a lot of outside work and the prospect of doing this during the course of a British winter seemed decidedly uninviting!

The first venue was a balcony twenty stories up on a deserted tower block in a similarly empty Mediterranean resort. Day one arrived with a full scale hurricane that set the harps shrieking like banshees. Roger eventually discovered that with a wind at this velocity the best sounds were to be found in the bass register. A consequence of this is the first track, the "North Wind". Imagine if you will a storm tossed sea, a shrieking wind and an individual frantically trying to batten down instruments that threaten to go flying off with every new blast of wind! Roger describes this experience as "traumatic, scary but fun!" It took fifteen hours to complete the basic recording.

Much of the "East Wind" track was recorded at the same venue. Additional material recorded from an earlier East wind in Bristol was added on during the editing process. The first three minutes of the "South Wind" features a solo harp being played by a gentle zephyr that wafted by from some nearby hills, and the sitar-like section from the "West Wind" were also recorded from this balcony. The next venue was set in the foothills of the snow-covered Sierra Nevada mountains in Southern Andalucia. It turned out to be the perfect spot for recording the wind. During the morning the breezes drifted up from the coast and in mid-afternoon they swung back from the mountains - regular as clockwork. Here most of the work on the "South Wind" and "West Wind" tracks took place during warm sunny and gentle weather.

Back in the UK the material was edited in a recording studio. It must be emphasized that although not all the sounds on each track were recorded simultaneously, the tracks contain only recordings of the wind direction ascribed to it. The four tracks "Windsongs 1, 2, 3 and 4" are a combination of other recordings made in Spain and Bristol. Once the album was completed Roger Winfield began to work on the possibility of live performances. The first show took place in June 1990 and since then he has traveled all over the UK performing to fascinated and appreciative audiences. The charm of the live show is that one experiences the rising and falling of the wind's song in the presence of the wind that is creating it - an almost mystic experience for some.

As one music critic put it: "If you can have your brain massaged by music, the Aeolian Harps are the instruments to do it!"

Windfields second album Roger Winfield - Voices of the Wind ( see Rho-Xs's Inside Out Binaural (10/06/07) ) is both a sequal and a contrast to Windsongs, his first collection of Aeolian harp recordings. Since then he has toured throughout the UK setting up the harps at a variety of locations (rural and urban) the magical sounds never failing to amaze the audiences. During that time he has created a new esemble of instruments so a new layer of sound can be heard from the wind playing thru the strings.

01 - Northwind (8:59)
02 - Southwind (9:095
03 - Eastwind (8:13)
04 - Westwind (8:21)
05 - Windsong 1 (5:13)
06 - Windsong 2 (7:02)
07 - Windsong 3 (3:41)
08 - Windsong 4 (6:58)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

VA - Sundaze 1 (00 ^ 146mb)

Ten years ago i used to scour the internet for new music, obviously things were just getting rolling Napster getting all the headlines and it offered an insight what was out there, but to search for something, firstly you have to know of it..basicly exchanges like Napsters delivered nothing new, just more of what you knew.. There were other music sites, one of which still that offered some free MP3's from acts unknown..often with a short description of the music. Anyway i used to visit them quiet frequently and downloaded plenty. As at that time i had a 5 gig HD (currently 2000-ooops), i used to burn away a lot, now this isnt that satisfying so i tried to compile with a certain atmosphere/mood in mind.. One of the labels i used was Sundaze, as it happens i came across the first one i burnt and low and behold the disk read here it is a bit of nostalgia from me from the days download speeds were low and insecure...As for discovering new artists..i have 6 Molvaer albums now, 4 by Fila Brazilia 3 from Holmes and Isolee, one by Farina and Afterlife and Muslimgauze...yes downloading is killing made the cover earlier it ?

01 - Niels Petter Molvaer - Platonic (Herbaliser remix) (5:19)
02 - Fila Brazilia - Naughahide (5:04)
03 - Jhno - Pillage (4:23)
04 - Sounds From The Ground - Sweet Dust (5:32)
05 - Mark Farina - Midnight Calling (5:13)
06 - Spoon Wizzard - Shoe's Monkey (6:06)
07 - Sounds From The Ground - Drawn To A Woman (8:21)
08 - Afterlife - Dub In Ya Mind (Beachclub mix) (5:10)
09 - Isolee - Tout Se Complique (4:10)
10 - Muslimgauze - Abu Nidal (7:27)
11 - David Holmes - No Man's Land (6:20)
12 - Sounds From The Ground - Triangle (10:03)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bab (116)

Hello, how time flies, summer is upon us again, now where did i leave my sunglasses ? Barcelona won the cup, thanks to their brilliant strikers, or was it poor defending... don't think so...well i admit im more of a Barça fan then a Man U one so a great night...At Babylon 5 there'sa takeover attempt in making....

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

It was the dawn of the third age of mankind – ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream, given form. Its goal: to prevent another war, by creating a place where humans and aliens can work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call – home away from home – for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens, wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal... all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

S01E16 Eyes

Two shady individuals arrive from Earth, and begin asking questions about Sinclair and the station's command staff. Garibaldi soon discovers they are an Earth Force Colonel and a Psi Corps telepath. Colonel Ari Ben Zayn wants all of them to submit to his companion's mind scan so he can find out what. Ivanova objects strongly to the participation of a telepath, even to the point of submitting her resignation to Sinclair, who has found a legal loophole that prevents Ben Zayn from forcing anyone to do anything without a formal inquiry tantamount to court-martial. But, when Sinclair calls this bluff, he discovers that Ben Zayn is willing to break all the rules when the colonel calls a formal inquiry on the entire command crew. His real mission - to put himself in command of B5, an assignment for which he was passed over, and he has the help of a high-ranking memer of Psi Corps whom Sinclair once defeated

Eyes (zip 342mb)

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bab (115)

Hello, hmm last week it was my usb controller and just now after ripping just fine hundreds of time i got an Error ACM command, tss..Well As of now i will no longer use Rapidshare as there seems very little use for it, well i guess Megaupload works fine and fast for most..

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

It was the dawn of the third age of mankind – ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream, given form. Its goal: to prevent another war, by creating a place where humans and aliens can work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call – home away from home – for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens, wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal... all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

S01E15 The Grail

Delenn and Lennier form a welcoming party for arriving human "true seeker" Aldous Gajic, whose announcement that he has come to inquire with the alien ambassadors the whereabouts of the Holy Grail draws incredulity from Sinclair; however, Gajic is allowed to make appointments with the alien representatives to aid in his search.

Along the way, he encounters a young thief named Jinxo, a former construction worker who participated in all five Babylon stations' construction. Jinxo is on the run from Deuce, who is running an extortion ring in Down Below, apparently with the help of Ambassador Kosh. Despite the fact that Jinxo tried to steal from him on their first meeting, Gajic takes him under his wing and tries to instill a sense of worth in him.

The Grail (zip 341mb)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Nebulous (15)

Hello there, there's an action packed episode of Nebulous awaiting you so, with out furter ado..

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

15 - Girl With The Liquid Face

Following the murder of the delegates at an eco-troubleshooting conference on Pancake Day Island, Nebulous, Paula and Harry travel to Atlantis while Rory attempts to clean up for the new delegates, where the Professor battles the legendary Kraken, Paula is shocked to learn that she is actually the human/Atlantean daughter of Atlantis's queen and Doctor Klench tries to destroy an eco-summit using Altantis' defence system.

Nebulous 15, Girl With The Liquid Face (28min, 25mb)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sundaze (21)

Hello, today Sundaze is focussing on Múm, apparently it means nothing in icelandic, that said i guess most english speakers recognise mum as an endearing abbreviation of mother so they score points right from the start there....Somehow they slipped my attention and i thusfar hadn't posted anything by them, remarkbly considering i own their first three albums. Well i make good here with a double bill..

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Múm were formed in 1997 by Gunnar Örn Tynes, Örvar Þóreyjarson Smárason, and classically trained twin sisters Gyða and Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir, they met while working on a children's play. Örvar began to do music when his parents bought their first computer. He needed a tune for a game he was programming on BASIC. Since then his love for bleeps as never diminished. Kristín and Gyða started to play piano and cello at a tender age, and when both were 9 years old. After Örvar found a tape of Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works on the floor at school, he had to re-think the boundaries of composition. "It changed my life," he says with tongue firmly in cheek. Up until then, Örvar had been playing in a rock band with fellow electronica convert Gunnar Tynes. Changing tack they joined up with classically trained twin sisters Kristín Anna and Gyða , and all four of them gathered around a computer in a room full of strange old instruments to start experimenting. múm was born. They were given a chance by Reykjavik's Thule Records to go into the studio and put together their extraordinary album, "Yesterday Was Dramatic - Today Is OK". Sampling extensively from their environment - using clanking cutlery or closing doors as percussion.

"Finally We Are No One" took them about two years, on and off, to write, produce and record. Engineer Valgeir Sigurdsson who worked on Björk's "Vespertine" also worked on the LP. A large chunk of the record was made when the band spent a few months in a lighthouse on the North-West coast of Iceland - an apparently desolate but beautiful place. They liked it there. "I really connected with the place," says Gunni. "We didn't have television. We didn't have a phone. We didn't have any people. If we wanted to buy something we had to go get to a small town, we had to get there by boat. It felt great. I thought. This is how we are supposed to live."

Gyða left the band to focus on her studies at the Academy of Arts in Iceland before Múm's third album, Summer Make Good, arrived in spring 2004; the band rounded out the year with the Dusk Log EP. The next two years found Múm on the road. In 2005, the group collaborated with the National Dutch Chamber Orchestra at Amsterdam's Holland Festival on a piece inspired by the works of composer Iannis Xenakis. Múm returned to the studio the following year, and in the interim released a live album, The Peel Session, which was originally recorded in 2002 by the BBC. Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir left múm in January of 2006 to pursue a solo career under the name Kria Brekkan. For 2007's Go Go Smear the Poison Ivy, the band was down to founding members Tynes and Smárason, who enlisted the help of guitarist/vocalist/violinist Ólöf Arnalds, trumpet/keyboard player Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson, vocalist/cellist Hildur Guðnadóttir, percussionist Samuli Kosminen, and multi-instrumentalist/vocalist Mr. Silla.

Currently múm are founding members Gunnar Örn Tynes and Örvar Þóreyjarson Smárason and for touring and recording, this line-up is expanded to include their friends Ólöf Arnalds (violin / viola / guitar / vocals), Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson (trumpet / pianette / moog / whistling), Hildur Guðnadóttir (cello / vocals), Mr. Silla (Vocals / various) and Finlander, Samuli Kosminen (drums / percussion). On May 22, 2009 during a concert in Burgos (Spain) múm played songs from their upcoming album Sing Along to songs Don't Know. They announced that it will be published on August 2009.

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Mum - Yesterday Was Dramatic - Today Is OK ( 00 ^ 148mb)

Yesterday Was Dramatic -- Today Is OK blends equal parts early Aphex Twin atmosphere, glitchy clicks reminiscent of Autechre, and dramatic musical elements that evoke the sorrow and glory of compatriot's Sigur Rós. They allow their songs to stretch out into lush, lengthy arrangements as a synthetic accordion mingles with rolling beats, icy analog effects, and the occasional female voice humming or singing quietly. Melodicas, glockenspiels, and other exotic instruments spur recurring motifs of sadness and joy. The music is effortlessly timeless and thoroughly engrossing, in short this album is an unmitigated, accessible masterpiece.

01 - I'm 9 Today (4:42)
02 - Smell Memory (9:21)
03 - There Is A Number Of Small Things (6:31)
04 - Random Summer (3:17)
05 - Asleep On A Train (7:17)
06 - Awake On A Train (9:23)
07 - The Ballad Of The Broken Birdie Records (5:25)

08 - The Ballad Of The Broken String (4:45)
09 - Sunday Night Just Keeps On Rolling (8:11)
10 - Slow Bicycle (8:41)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Mum - Finally We Are No One (02 ^ 117mb)

Múm is very interested in the music of sound, but Finally We Are No One never sounds like a difficult record; if it's not the instruments sounding naïve or folksy (in good ways), the lisping, childlike vocals are bound to prompt adjectives like adorable and precious. "Green Grass of Tunnel" has the sweet melancholia, coloring-book hip-hop, and slowly shifting chords of poptronica producers like isan or Boards of Canada, and also trades on the wide-eyed fairy-tale qualities of Björk. Several individual passages of songs strike an evocative chord, like the string quartet, piano, warm synthesizers, and percussion rumblings of "K/Half Noise" combining to recall the quieter portions of Tortoise'."

01 - Sleep/Swim (0:50)
02 - Green Grass Of Tunnel (4:51)

03 - We Have A Map Of The Piano (5:19)
04 - Don't Be Afraid,You Have Just Got Your Eyes Closed (5:43)
05 - Behind Two Hills,,,,A Swimming Pool (1:08)
06 - K/Half Noise (8:41)
07 - Now There's That Fear Again (3:56)
08 - Faraway Swimmingpool (2:55)
09 - I Can't Feel My Hand Anymore, It's Alright, Sleep Still (5:40)
10 - Finally We Are No One (5:07)
11 - The Land Between Solar Systems (11:58)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bab (114)

Hello, well to come back to last week, meanwhile i've seen Startrek..probably should have been named Startrek AD-HD, all action, script almost non existant, the storyline cleverly sets up a new tv series...obviously there's no thinking involved when waiting 28 years for a witness to show up to exact revenge, one still wants to kill billions of innocents because one is morally corrupted an example. No this is yet another immoral Hollywood production, grinding the goyim public a little more into dust, thou shalt not think... Oh well compared to all that Babylon 5 is almost Zen, but then that was one of the reasons the powers that be started their campaign to have the commercially successful show stopped. Even the actors got basically blacklisted after the show was over, some were just too disgusted by what had happened and left acting..

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

It was the dawn of the third age of mankind – ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream, given form. Its goal: to prevent another war, by creating a place where humans and aliens can work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call – home away from home – for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Humans and aliens, wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal... all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

S01E14 TKO

A spaceliner just arriving from Earth carries blasts from two of the crew's respective pasts - Rabbi Yossel Koslov has come to Babylon 5 bearing a legacy from Ivanova's late father, for whom she has yet to sit Shiva; and discredited boxing champ Walker Smith, an old friend of Garibaldi's, who has come on board to enter the Mutai, a deadly one-on-one freestyle martial arts competition open only to selected alien races.

TKO 1 (rar 180mb)

TKO 2 (rar 162mb)


TKO (zip 342mb)