Monday, December 22, 2008

Canadia 2056 (19)

Hello, and one we go with starship Canadia and its crew , today venturing into an alternate universe and you dont even need to be a streetsweeper to guess that such will lead to complications..but then thats what going to places where no man has walked before usually leads to, however the crew has more on it's mind as the anomaly keeps chasing them..

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Episode 19

A tear in the fabric of space/time gives the Canadia a portal to an alternate universe and of course the spacial anomaly threatens to destroy the ship. Dr. Gaffney tries to intervene as Skip's depression reaches it's lowest point yet. Pickens takes a major blow to his ego.

Canadia 2056 episode 19

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

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