Hello, well the time has come to move on for our Prisoner, not that much the wiser, but then maybe that was the lesson..there is no escape...The Village beautiful and strange as it is, is a metaphor for our comfortable life, the adventures, strife and deaths, tasks to distract us. All our time the big questions remain haunting us....Who is Number One ? Why am i here ? Well let me answer that ..there is no Number One..in a way we are a collective of Number One's..as in the show ranks and positions shifted, it's all fluid. As to why are we here, i think the answer spawns from our limitations....it forces us to become creative and looking back the past 10,000 years i would say we have shown great promise and power even if the forces of darkness allways do their best to frustrate, block and lead us astray...it's an ongoing battle by no means won by either side...so remember you are not a number ! (be it 1 or 100) you are free (wo)men, free spirits !
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Prisoner episode 17, Fall Out

The Prisoner is presented to the President of the Assembly. He watches the trials of Number Forty Eight and the resuscitated Number Two. It is now his chance to finally meet Number ne. As chaos breaks out, The Prisoner leaves the Village and heads for London.
Fall Out 1 (rar 180mb)
Fall Out 2 (rar 145mb)
Fall Out (zip 325mb)
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
That's it i guess... The complete series! :)
Thanks Rho!!!
17 weeks...Your dedication is simply SUBLIME!
Merci, merci, merci beacoup!
oh thankyou for this and all the wonderfull music on this site.
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