Hello there, almost forgot top post well todays episode concluded the second season, not to worry there's a third season starting next week. Professor Nebulous is losing his focus when he is exposed to repetion repeat after me repeat after me repeat after me repeat for me repeat for me repeat, confused well thats the big idea behind television..loose focus. Now will the K.E.N.T. crew bring their Professor Nebulous back to his senses..should they..hmmm
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
The Last Of The Present Sirius

Professor Nebulous is finds himself trapped in a time loop, on the weekend omnibus of a reality television endlessly repeating like "an insane merry-go-round, each elliptical revolution taking it further from reality, the children on the merry-go-round clinging to the brightly painted wooden horses for security, but the horses are starting to mutate, turning into Shetland Ponies". Escaping from the show, the Professor finds himself on Sirius, the Dog Star (a.k.a. Poodle Sphere Six) coming to the end of his tenth season.
Nebulous 12, Last In The Present Sirius (28min, 20mb)
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
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