Hello, how quickly another week has gone by. Not for everyone, i suppose in the UK they got a lesson in global weirdness as the snow muted their laments over the screwed economy..meanwhile NuLabour ran out of salt to poor over that open wound. Apparently they forgot to google how to combat the problem in a much cheaper and environmental friendly way by using a mixture of sand and salt. Meanwhile the US had much bigger problems as their star olympian had lurked on a waterpipe with burning weed, setting a bad example to all the crack and coke heads, not to mention the many legal drug abusers in a country that's going for broke. Good thing that both countries learned the nazi lesson on how to keep the concentrationcamp inmates tranquil, throw plenty of fluoride into the water supply..... calm down with a shower and chill out with a spliff...
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Prisoner episode 12, A Change of Mind

After becoming involved in a fight with two thugs, Number Six is declared "unmutual" by the Village committee and recommended he undergoes "instant social treatment". However, due to Number Six's importance he is not administered the treatment, only tricked into thinking he has had it. Number Six later realises this and manages to get the Village doctor on his side. With her help he has plans for Number Two.
A Change of Mind 1
(rar 180mb)
A Change of Mind 2 (rar 104mb)
A Change of Mind
(zip 288mb)
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
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